Tezos Hackathon Prep Workshop (BUIDLBoston Hackathon)
We will have a speaker present that will provide an overview of necessary developer requirements for participants in the BUIDLBoston Hackathon to start developing on the Tezos platform.
Along with the speaker will be Shaun Belcher (Executive Director of TCF) and Ken Garofalo (Tezos Commons Boston Chapter President) on hand to answer any questions from participants or direct them to online forums and resources.
Please bring your laptops and get a head start on the Hackathon competition and make sure that you are all set to start BUIDLing.
From 10th May 2019 - 06:00 PM
to 10th May 2019 - 08:00 PM
to 10th May 2019 - 08:00 PM