The Big Data Theory Workshop
Organized by
The Big Data Theory is a week-long workshop to introduce Big Data and Data Science to our Hungarian and international participants. During the event you will:• get a comprehensive picture on Data science, Data mining, and Machine Learning• understand the process of handling wast amount of data and finding patterns at the same time.• work on a hands-on project task by the largest bank in HungaryMoreover, our purpose is to offer a general way of thinking for the participants so that they can tackle their challenges with ease in this field.The workshop will consist of four different programme blocks. Participants will learn about the various areas of Big Data during the lectures in the morning. They will also form groups to work together on the given project task. At the end of the workshop, each group will present its results and solutions for the problem.There are two ways to take part on the workshop:• [FULL-TIME]: You will work on the project task during the week. You can apply with a team or if you don't have a team, we will find one for you!
• [VISITOR]: If you can't or don't want to take part on the whole workshop, you can attend only the lectures.
* Obligatory for full-time participants.
MONDAY (2nd September)
9:00 - 9:20 - Opening ceremony*
9:20 - 9:40 - Dankó Zoltán (OTP Bank): Innovation and development in the era of the Digital age*
9:40 - 10:00 - Project task handout.*
10:00 - 11:45 - Asztalos Áron & Lotfi Majid (OTP Bank): Average income prediction by location using Machine Learning in Python*
14:30 - 18:00 - Horváth András: Demonstations and presentations supporting the workshop project task*
What is machine learning
Classification and regression problems
Step to solve practical problems: Data collection, Filtering and analysis, Model building, Model validation, Cross-validation
Examples of machine learning models for regression : Gradient tree boosting, Neural Networks etc...
TUESDAY (3rd September)
PCF (People Come First) - Data Mining day
9:00 - 11:00 - Balázs Hodossy (PCF): Data science: The place of data science in Big Data, data analization methods, prediction basics, SQL, a little Python
A practice based approach to the foundations of BigData
History of datascience
Foundations of statistics and probability (among others: useful probabilistic ideas, possible errors in model construction)
Introduction to the tools used in BigData analysis (In Python 3.6 and SQL; No prior knowledge of SQL is required and minimal previous Python experience is enough.)
Python 3.6 is required
11:30 - 13:30 - Thinking together: simple exercises helping to understand the practical and theoretical aspects of the methodology of data processing
Several exercises to be solved in groups of 5-6 people and then a short presentation of the ideas found.
14:30 - 18:00 Data analysis workshop
A 3.5 hour-long coding session
Several different exercises in BigData analysis (textual or graphic data)
Exercises to be solved in groups
The lecturer will be at Your disposal for questions
Python 3.6 is required
WEDNESDAY (4th September)
11:00 - 11:45: I. Horváth István (Eutecus HU Kft.): Video and Data Analytics for Smart City Applications, II. Botos Csaba (Eutecus HU Kft.): Generative Deep Learning Models
12:00 - 13:00: Judit Villányi (Starschema): Data visualization with Tableau/ How to create nice decision supporting visualization fast
Hero video:
15:00 - 16:30 - Zoltán Kurai (Black Swan): Social media text analization
Text analization/text mining
Social media as BigData
One application: Show me your tweets and I will tell you where you live!
THURSDAY (5th September)
9:00 - ∞ (as you wish) - Hackathon: Working on the workshop project task.*
FRIDAY (6th September)
2:00 - Deadline for submiting your project task's results.
9:00 - 13:30 - Presentation of the projects.*
14:30 - 18:30 - Closing ceremony and awards.
You can find more information on the website of the event:
How can I contact the organizer with any questions?,,,
Who can participate in this event?Even tho registration is open to everyone, we expect engineering students with at least beginner programming experience to apply.