The EyeSyght Hackathon

Organized by

    Come along to the EyeSyght hackathon to help make history and enable vision-impaired people (VIP) to see and enjoy greater opportunities! The Problem Vision impairment affects more than 285 million people globally and makes it extremely challenging to, amongst other things, interpret complex visual information, including signs, charts, maps, and graphs. This, in turn, creates disadvantage and obstacles to opportunities. QUT engineering student Santiago has lived this experience, being vision impaired his whole life, and has had to overcome challenges along the way to realising his dreams. Whilst he is fortunate to receive support and early access to complex visual information in his engineering studies at QUT, he knows that not all are so lucky. As an entrepreneurial problem solver, he also believes that technology could enable a better solution for vision impaired people to be able to ‘see’ complex visual information - and he wants to bring such a solution to the world as co-founder of EyeSyght.   EyeSyght's Mission EyeSyght's mission is to harness technology to help overcome disadvantage and enable vision impaired people to better see complex visual information, with a focus on ‘touch to see” technology development. They have been working on developing touch to see technology and now hope to harness hackathon people power to manifest their mission, with support from Google, Vision Australia, QUT and other organisations.   EyeSyght Hackathon If you would like to help EyeSyght solve challenges for the world's vision impaired, and have the chance to win prizes, come along to the EyeSyght Hackathon on November 25 2017! A key challenge for participants is to answer "How can we enable vision impaired individuals to feel graphical information such as maps, charts and pictures in real-time?" Hackathon participants will work in teams to develop solutions to this challenge:             • Guided by mentors             • Inspired by technology experts             • Fueled with delicious food and beverages             • AND... there is the chance to win prizes, including $500 cash for the most innovative solution. The EyeSyght Hackathon seeks to bring together a diversity of people to work on solutions. The winning team will receive a $500 cash prize for the most innovative idea, thanks to Bluebox, who are supporting this event. The EyeSyght team will also be looking to connect with a diversity of talent to work with them in the future to help bring their solution to market. So far, attendees include: Passionate problem solvers Students from diverse disciplines : This includes engineering, software, hardware, mechanical,  electrical, mechatronics, design, business, material scientists. Researchers Entrepreneurs Resentatives from Vision Australia and vision impaired people Santiago’s Guide dog, and Buddy Lockie   Event Details The event will be held at QUT on Saturday 25th November from 9am-5pm. We Hope you can join us, and take part on making history. We look forward to seeing you at the event. Please note: There is a Queensland State Election occurring on the same day as our event and we know you'd rather be with us! To make sure you don't miss out please consult the ECQ website ( for details on how you can pre-poll. There is a polling station available at the Brisbane City Hall on the day but that is a 20-30 minute walk each way from the QUT location so we strongly advise you pre-poll. This event has been sponsored by:


    Queensland University of Technology (QUT), Gardens Point Campus
    Brisbane, Australia


    From 25th November 2017 - 09:00 AM
    to 25th November 2017 - 05:00 PM