The Hackathon of Outlandish Things - Seattle

Organized by

    Designers, Developers, Mobile, Web, Robotics, Internet of Things... Everyone is welcome to join us to hack for FUN! There will be prizes for crazy outlandish hacks as well as serious hacks and even community chosen prizes. For the outlandish hacks, these apps can be as crazy as you want so long as you use #kandy_io.  Schedule Friday 6pm - Event Begins, Networking, Pitching, Teams Form, Dinner Friday 7pm - API & Use Case Overview Friday 11PM - Done for the night! Go sleep! Saturday 10am - Breakfast Saturday 01pm - Lunch Saturday 05pm - Presentations start Saturday 06pm - Winners Announced Prizes $250 Best Outlandish Idea $250 Best App $250 Community Choice Award $25 Starbucks Gift Cards for new bugs submitted Speakers Alex Donn - Director, Developer Relations, / Genband Sponsors



    From 23rd October 2015 - 06:00 PM
    to 24th October 2015 - 08:00 PM