The Justice Hack 2019 - Victoria
The Justice Hack gets lawyers & tech talent to learning about legal issues & propose solutions to better access justice.
The Justice Hack, presented by Clio and hosted by VIATEC, is back for our second annual legal tech hackathon and this year we are expanding to Victoria!
Come join us as we tackle the barriers that prevent British Columbians from accessing B.C.'s legal and judicial systems.
Tickets on sale now! [$30 each after Sept. 19]
This year, teams will develop tech solutions that help small- and medium-sized businesses and startups with everyday legal challenges.
No law degree or coding skills required. Everyone is welcome to come and learn about access to justice (A2J) issues.
Join a team. Develop a solution. Pitch your idea.
Sign up today at:
This is our first Victoria event, made possible with support from the Law Foundation of BC.