Thought For Food Global Summit 2017
Organized by
Thought For Food (TFF) is the world’s leading platform for Next Generation Innovation and Collaboration to address global food and nutrition security.
At this year’s TFF Global Summit, we’re going all-in to explore some of the important trends and disruptions affecting #whatsnext in the world. Over the course of two days, you’ll experience thought-provoking keynotes, interactive Next-Gen Assemblies, energizing ways to connect with fellow changemakers, and inspirational pitches from the the 10 TFF Challenge Finalist Teams.
Expect to explore big topics with interdisciplinary approaches and real world impact. C-suite executives sitting right next to disruptive innovators and entrepreneurs; Researchers and students sharing their work with leading experts; Everyone collaborating to address critical areas in transition:
Growing Cities
The Biological Era
Sustainable Proteins
Inclusive Business & New Economic Models
Next Generation Values & Ways of Working
Appropriate Tech for Smallholder Farmers
And more!
Through our Next-Gen Assemblies, we’re creating meaningful interactions that build bridges across sectors, disciplines and generations. All speakers are participants and all participants are speakers. And we’re all working together towards tangible outcomes. You’ll have the chance to take part in:
Makerspaces & Wet Labs
Playground Demo Space
Challenge Clinics
Honesty Circle Focus Groups
What’s Nexxxt Evocative Talks
Live Podcasts
Salon Debates
This is not a futurist conference, and it is certainly unlike any other food & agriculture events you’ll attend this year.
A mash up of the best parts of SXSW, WEF and Burning Man, the TFF Global Summit is THE world’s meeting place for up-and-coming food system innovators and established players to share their latest insights and learn from each other in order to transform the future. We guarantee an energizing and impactful experience that will inspire you to think and act in radically new ways about the world’s most important issues.
Don’t miss out on your chance to take part!
Confirmed Keynote Speakers:
Ellen de Brabander, SVP R&D Nutrition, PepsiCo & Interim CEO EIT Food
Tim O'Reilly, Founder & CEO O'Reilly Media
Christine Gould, Founder & CEO Thought For Food
Koert van Mensvoort, Founder Next Nature
Guillaume Charny-Brunet, Director of Strategy & Innovation SPACE10
Dr. Michael Kock, Head of Intellectual Property, Syngenta
Alpha Sennon, Founder WHYFARM and AGRIman
Stay tuned for more speakers, partners and pitches at and on social media @tffchallenge!
From 26th May 2017 - 09:00 AM
to 27th May 2017 - 11:30 PM
to 27th May 2017 - 11:30 PM