Toronto Opening Ceremony - Global AI Hackathon 2017 (Media & Invited Guest)
Organized by
This registration link is for Media and Invited Guests. For regular hackathon and public registration for the opening ceremony, please see the original event page.
6:30 - Registration7:10 - MC introductory remarks 7:25 - Opening Remarks, City of Toronto7:30 - MPP Han Dong7:35 - Coorporate Sponsors7:45 - Toronto local science and technology community8:10 - Global AI Hackathon Briefing, Synced8:20 - Social, mix and mingle9:00 - Event Concludes
6:30 pm - 9:00 pm
June 21st, 2017
Council Chamber, Toronto City Hall
100 Queen Street West, Toronto, ON
About Global AI Hackathon
The first Global AI Hackathon is taking place in 15 cities worldwide from June 23-25, 2017, attracting design-thinkers, developers, programmers, marketers and other related experts to come together for 48 hours.
Challenges will be announced globally during the kick off of the event, and attendees can pick one of the challenges to work on either by themselves or with a team. After two days of hacking and prototyping, teams have the option to showcase their projects on stage. Your local audience will pick three winners, one for each challenge, prizes TBD.
The current Global AI Hackathon is co-sponsored by NEC and Microsoft.
Why Toronto?
The recent pan-Canadian artificial intelligence strategy launched by the federal government has added $125 million into R&D efforts. We know the opportunities are here and we need the right people to get on board.
Global AI Hackthon Co-Sponsors
Toronto Strategic Partner
Toronto Venue Sponsor
Toronto Corporate Sponsor
Community Partner
Toronto Media Partner
Global Initiator - is a global community of hackathon organizers and a subsidiary of BeMyApp, the leading developer relations agency. is the initator of the current Global AI Hackathon.
Toronto Organizer - Synced
Synced is a global media content provider founded in China that focuses on reporting and analyzing AI and machine intelligence news and information. Synced is recognized by over 500,000 readers and numerous industry partners worldwide. Synced is the current Global AI Hackathon local host for the Toronto and Beijing stations.