UB Hackathon

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    UB Hackathon is an intercollegiate hackathon hosted at the University of Bridgeport in Bridgeport, CT. The hackathon is created and run by the Student Entrepreneur Center at UB. The hackathon will take place on March 23–25, 2018. We will be having students from the University of Bridgeport and other universities & colleges to come hack on innovative projects - web hacks, mobile hacks, hardware hacks, you name it. Students will create their own projects from start to finish in a collaborative atmosphere to learn and compete for prizes. This hackathon is open to students only. So please make sure to bring your student ID that has your photo on it.


    Student Center - University of Bridgeport
    Bridgeport, United States


    From 23rd March 2018 - 05:00 PM
    to 25th March 2018 - 04:00 PM