Let's end 2017 with the big UHACK EXPERIENCE on DECEMBER 2 to 3, 2017 at Hall ONE, Golden Shell Pavilion, Roxas Boulevard cor. Sen. Gil J. Puyat Avenue, Pasay City (beside World Trade Center)
Unionbank Hackathon is open to all professionals from all fields and 3rd year to 5th college students taking up Computer Science, Information Technology, Engineering, Mass Communication, Multi Media Arts, Business Administration, Marketing Management, Entreprenuership, Accountancy and others.
Is it for free ?
Yes, it’s for free
What is the theme of the Hackathon?
There will be few options of programming challenges provided, which will be announced in the coming weeks.
What kind of programming languages can be used in the Hackathon?
Any programming languages
Must we form a team to compete? How many members in a team?
Yes. You will form your team composing of of 3 to 5 members You are encouraged to form the team before the event. However, registration is individual.
Note : If you don't have team member, we will assist you to form the team during the event.
What do I need to prepare before the Hackathon event? What do I need to bring for this event?
- Bring your own laptop installed with necessary software development tools or any devices that you will be using to finish your app / project.
- Extension cord might come handy
- Please bring along your jacket as it could be cold while you hack throughout the night.Sleeping bag if you wish to rest in between the hackathon.
What are the prizes?
1st place : P80,000
2nd place :P60,000
3rd place : P40,000
What are criteria for judging?
Full details to follow
Are we required to stay at the venue?
Yes you may stay at Hall One for 24 hours so you can complete your project. If you wish to go home, just make sure that you will sign the log out sheet at the Secretariat and come back the next day before 10:00am.
What time does the hackathon ends?
Code freeze by 10:00am
For other details, visit our
to 3rd December 2017 - 01:00 PM