UKGovHack 2016

Organized by

UKGovHack is a hackathon and conference running simultaneously, creating an fun environment that is accessible to everyone with an interest in the public sector/civic technology - whether you are a developer, service designer, researcher, UX-er, or are just currious. The event will be offering you a chance to prototype solutions to key public sector issues. The challenges will not be tied to a single agency or department, but instead aim to explore broader and recurring issues in the public sector. The conference stream will be curating a series of lightning talks and workshops present a variety of interesting and insightful content, from entry level access to the public sector and technology, to more complex and developed themes. Running these two together means that you are free to come just for the hackathon, just for the conference or to move between streams to create a personal UKGovHack agenda that is suited to your own skills and interests.


National Audit Office
London, United Kingdom


From 2nd April 2016 - 10:00 AM
to 2nd April 2016 - 06:00 PM