Unearthed Perth: Info Session

Organized by Unearthed Solutions

Creating Innovative Digital Solutions to Global Resources Challenges

Software developers, data scientists, engineers, designers, entrepreneurs and industry insiders in the Western Australian resources sector! You're invited to attend the informtion session prior to the 54-hour Unearthed Perth 2017 hackathon.

Come with a team of 3 to 4 members, or join one at the event. You'll be required to design, code and prototype an innovative digital solution to one of the following resources sector challenges: 

  1. Break into Vehicle Data to Enhance Driver Safety
  2. The Well of the Future - Downhole Pressure!
  3. Optimise drilling through real-time performance feedback

Also, you get ready to participate with smart hackathon advice on the tips page!


CORE Innovation Hub
Perth, Australia


From 10th May 2017 - 05:00 PM
to 10th May 2017 - 06:30 PM