Unearthed Vancouver Info Session & Innovation in Mining Talk: Teck & SSR Mining

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    Prior to the Unearthed Vancouver 2017 Hackathon, there will be an Info Session event held in the evening on Tuesday September 26th to announce the challenges and details of the hackathon. The Info Session will also provide an opportunity for prospective participants to: Form teams ahead of the hackathon Hear the full description of the challenges Ask questions directly to the challenge providers Learn about the post-event opportunities and prizes Get an early head start on the challenges by conducting some research Meet fellow innovators, make friends and expand your network. Inclusive of the Info Session, there will be presentations from Teck Resources and SSR Mining on: "Mining & Innovation: What are the opportunities ahead?" Hear from Adam Miller, Teck Resources & Liezl Van Wyk, SSR Mining on what innovation means to their organisations and what they are looking to gain from the Unearthed Vancouver Hackathon event. To register for the hackathon itself, head to: http://unearthed.link/UEDEN17 Challenges will be announced here: http://portal.unearthed.solutions



    From 26th September 2017 - 06:30 PM
    to 26th September 2017 - 08:00 PM