UX WORKSHOP: How to Align UX Strategy with Business Strategy?
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NOTE: LTUXNYC Eventbrite tickets are MANDATORY: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/ux-workshop-how-to-align-ux-strategy-with-business-strategy-tickets-45451796547 (Although we have “Ladies” in our name, all are welcome!)
How can we create an effective strategy that aligns UX + Business Strategy?
User experience is more than just creating delightful experiences for the users. As designers, we want to ensure that our designs not only follow a user-centric approach, but it aligns with the company’s vision as well.
In this 2-hour workshop with Business Models Inc., a design and innovation strategy firm and the producer of the best selling book Business Model Generation (Think Business Model Canvas), Strategy Designer Carley Jacobson will explain the Business Model Innovation process and techniques that are being used by leading organizations around the world. By adopting a business perspective and thinking strategically, we can consider the primary objectives and design towards BOTH users and business goals.
Join us as we learn about the rationale of how an organization creates, delivers and captures value. We'll understand, design and validate business models with innovative techniques and visual tools to design new strategies that prepares your organization for the future!
6:00-6:30pm: Registration
6:30-8:30pm: LTUXNYC WORKSHOP: Business Modeling as a Strategy Tool
8:30-9:00pm: Winners Announced* & Wrap Up
*WIN a FREE ticket to Dr. Cugelman's upcoming Digital Psychology & Emotional Design-Training Week in New York! One will be for a 3-Day (May 21-23) Foundations Package of Digital Psychology + Architectures and the other will be for a 2-Day (May 24-25) Emotional Design Workshop, valued at $799 & $599 respectively! See how to participate on: https://www.facebook.com/LadiesThatUXNYC/
Carley Jacobson is a Strategy Designer at Business Models Inc. Through Business Models Inc., she supports organizations with strategy, business model generation and validation, and value proposition design. For 6 years prior, Carley helped grow Autodesk's maker community Instructables.com. With over 115 do-it-yourself tutorials, Carley has gained over 13 million page-views and recognition from major publications such as The Huffington Post, GQ Magazine, Popular Mechanics, and more. She uses her experience in online community building, hackathons, content creation, and customer development to build new innovative strategies. Carley holds a degree in Computer Science and Visual Art from Union College and an MBA in Design Strategy from California College of the Arts.
GALVANIZE is the premier dynamic learning community for technology. With campuses located in booming technology sectors throughout the country, Galvanize provides a community for each the following:+ Education – part-time and full-time training in web development, data science, and data engineering.+ Workspace – whether you’re a freelancer, startup, or established business, we provide beautiful spaces with a community dedicated to supporting your company’s growth.+ Networking – events in the tech industry happen constantly on our campuses, ranging from popular Meetups to multi-day international conferences.
Ladies That UX is a friendly, welcoming and collaborative community for women in UX in over 50 cities worldwide. Ladies That UX NYC aims to foster an inspirational and supportive environment where ladies in UX can positively promote and learn from each other via informal networking and lively discussions & great events in NYC. We don’t run for profit but seek to make the world of work better for women around the world! Check out our Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Meetup forum for discounts, deals and other relevant community events.
From 1st May 2018 - 06:00 PM
to 1st May 2018 - 09:00 PM
to 1st May 2018 - 09:00 PM