Vancouver Holochain Hackathon
Organized by
Take a distributed app idea from concept to prototype in three days!
Familiarize yourself with a new coding paradigm and learn tools for the rapid development of decentralized applications. Holochain is a post-blockchain protocol for storing data in a completely peer-2-peer network. Join founder, Art Brock, and members of the Holochain team for a weekend workshop on using the technology.
This event is generously sponsored by Creative CoWorkers.
Friday, April 20th 6pm-9pm @ Stretch (180 East Pender, Vancouver)
Saturday, April 21st Noon-9pm @ Creative CoWorkers (343 Railway Street, Vancouver)
Sunday, April 22nd Noon-6pm @ Creative CoWorkers (343 Railway Street, Vancouver)
Are you interested in building decentralised applications?
Holochain is a breakthrough in the scalability of distributed computing that allows you to run Facebook scale applications on a decentralized architecture. Holochain dapps are held completely by their users in a peer-2-peer network. Users are directly connected in a data commons with no centralised server or cloud processing data between them. Holochain is currently in Alpha with a number of prototype apps available to play with. This weekend is an opportunity to come get started on building your own!
Check out the holochain github and developer tools at the links below:
Hackathon Structure
Project co-founder, Art Brock, and developer, Connor Turland, will introduce developers to building in the holochain framework. We encourage people to come with app ideas and in small teams. Experience with either JavaScript or Lisp will be helpful.
The Friday evening session will be held at Stretch Yoga in Chinatown. It will include an introduction to the technology from Art with an inital Q and A and an opportunity to get situated as projects and groups for the weekend.
Saturday and Sunday at Creative CoWorkers on Railway attendees will walk through the process of building an app prototype. This will include periodic presentations from Art and Connor on specific elements of holochain and opportunities for direct work with them in groups.