Vibewire Hack for Health #Hack4Health

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    Vibewire's Hack4Health is a fantastic opportunity to not only create discussion around current issues within the health industry but to work with industry experts to solve some of these issues, with the potential to make a huge impact on the future of Australia's health industry. During this hackathon participants will be provided the resources to contribute to this growing industry where knowledge of health is becoming increasing important with Australia's ageing population and longer life expectancy. But why is Health important? To put it simply, our health is important! With good health we are able to live our lives and contribute and engage in society but when health is bad, it changes the way we feel and interact with others and the world. Whist healthcare is a basic human right, management of the complexities around less commonplace ailments means some individuals may fall between the cracks.In Australia, healthcare providers have solved many of the problems surrounding acute pain and disease. The new struggle is ensuring that those with chronic diseases are cared for and offered services to improve their quality of life.Sounds interesting hey?  We are looking for:  Leading experts in the health industry People with interest & knowledge in the health industry Hackers, Hipsters, Hustlers and Humanitarians.  Prize Pool - TBA. 


    MnM Institute
    Sydney, Australia


    From 23rd November 2018 - 06:00 PM
    to 25th November 2018 - 05:00 PM