Virtual Hackathon - UK FinTech Week 2020 – Reinvent Retail Banking

Organized by Talent Hack 

Financial Innovation: disrupt, challenge & modernise

Techie university students, working finTech developers and designers from industry and business, entrepreneurs and startup types residing in the UK!

If you're interested in creating new products, then you're invited to participate in Virtual Hackathon - UK FinTech Week 2020 – Reinvent Retail Banking -- a 48-hour online hackathon of product development. You don't have to be technical! Marketers, designers, finance and other business types are welcome. Come with a multi-disciplinary team of 4-6 people, or be assigned to one during the event registration period.

You'll get choose from two retail banking challenges:

Challenge 1: Peer2peer lending, B2B transactions, C2C transactions, payment sharing, mobile payments, and smart settlements.
Challenge 2: Account management, card management, banking loyalty programs, automated billing, personal banking security. money transfer, loan management, credit rating for individuals, fraud control, and investment user experience.

Your team will have present a working prototype and project business plan to an online jury panel, They will judge the projects based on customer validation, execution and design, and business model feasibility.



From 17th April 2020 - 07:00 PM
to 19th April 2020 - 04:00 PM