Virtual Reality Hackathon & Workshop - Powered by AT&T (Boston)

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    Warm-up to VR Hackathon? The break neck pace of Virtual Reality continues in Boston with a Virtual Reality Hackathon and Workshop. This Hackathon will help you prepare  for an even bigger VR hackathon this fall letting individuals meet, form teams and hone their skills. If you are a VR expert come and stretch if you are new to VR get started and build your first VR app. This event is designed to be all inclusive - so attendees will develop for Google Cardboard. You don't need your own VR equipement just a laptop and an Android or iPhone that fits into the Google Cardboard.  If you have your own VR equipment, Bring Your Own VR (BYOVR) equipment.  The first 100 attendees will be given a free View-Master VR (Compatible with Google Cardboard) Google Cardboard to use during the hackathon and to take home afterwards. To get ready for the hackathon - here's some useful links Build VR with Google Cardboard Google Cardboard Developer site Unity Learn Site An intro to Unity3D session will also lead off the first day to give developers and designers new to VR a fast start. Co-produced by GDG Boston Boston Virtual Reality, Boston Unity Group, Boston Android and the AT&T Developer Program this event is designed for attendees interested in coding VR apps and games. Join for a weekend of talks, hacking, build new skills and meet other developers in the community intereses in VR, complete with free food, prizes. We will have experts from the Boston VR community and AT&T will be onsite to assist with your development. You Bring: Your laptop, skills & ideas, an Android or iPhone if you're building for Cardboard - bring you're own VR equipment too. Come with a collaborative, team focused mindset and/or team up in advance on Twitter/Facebook/Google+ via the #atthack hashtag. Whether you are a backend person, designer, entrepreneur, student, or just interested in tech; you are invited to attend this event. Every group needs a good balance of talent and your development skills are needed! We Supply: Quick presentations and code samples that help to bootstrap your hacking, Google Cardboard, food to keep you going, and caffeine to keep you awake. We will have technical senseis to assist you in building faster and smarter. Event Schedule.  The following is a list of the weekend's agenda: Saturday October 17, 2015 09:30AM Doors Open 10:00AM Kickoff - announcements 10:15AM 1 minute team formation pitches  10:45AM Intro to Unity3D on Cardboard - (Optional) This is an optional course for developers new to Unity and VR taught by Jono Forbes - This is an optional Unity3D basics course that will cover the editor, scripting, and an introduction to Google cardboard It is highly recommended developers new to virtual reality familiarize themselves with Unity3D at the Unity3D Learn Site before the hackathon. 10:45AM Hackathon begins 01:00PM Break for lunch Development continues 06:00PM Break for Dinner 11:00PM - The venue will close for the evening. You may continue hacking overnight offsite or get some sleep Don't miss the last MBTA trolly or train. Sunday October 18, 2015 10:00AM Doors Open Breakfast 01:00PM Break for lunch 05:00PM Pencils down 05:15PM Judging begins 2 sets of judges 05:15PM Cafeteria in parallel to the judging 06:00PM Break for dinner 07:30PM Finalists present and winners announced  Prizes. The following prizes are experiential and geared towards accelerating you towards a successful business as well as expanding your network and industry knowledge: Best Use of Google Cardboard 1st Place - $1,000 in Gift Cards for the team 2nd Place - $500 in Gift Cards for the team Best Use of BYOVR 1st Place - $1,000 in Gift Cards for the team 2nd Place - $500 in Gift Cards for the team We also will give away 5 Samsung Note 4 VR Headsets that we'll go to the top scoring teams. Judging Criteria. Apps will be judged based on the criteria below and weighted accordingly.   25% Weight - Ability to clearly articulate what your app does 25% Weight - Interaction Design 25% Weight - Originality of idea 25% Weight - Technically creative and/or challenging implementation   Hackathon Legal.  Hackathon Terms: Social Media.  Follow us @attdeveloper for live updates and photos from the event "Like" us on Facebook!     Speakers   Ben Nelson, Sr. Product Marketing Manager at AT&T, is based out of sunny Seattle! His passion is educating developers young and old about mobile application development best practices through events like hackathons that fuse the collective interests of multiple technologies and business leaders. Jono Forbes, co-organizer of Boston VR and Boston Unity groups, has led several Unity focused workshops including a recent CodeLab! Jono will be leading a Unity 3D 101 workshop to help get everyone kickstarted on their VR projects.     Sponsors      



    From 17th October 2015 - 09:30 AM
    to 18th October 2015 - 08:00 PM