Viz for Social Good Hackathon - Justice and Peace Netherlands

Organized by The Information Lab

We will get together to visualise data and show our support for human rights and social justice.

It’s the hackathon you have been waiting for! Get involved in this #VizforSocialGood project to help Justice and Peace Netherlands.

We need story-tellers, graphic designers and analytically-oriented people. This is a great opportunity to share your passion, learn a new tool (Tableau) and network. We welcome beginners and experts alike.

We will meet on 28th of August at the Data School. Data will be provided on the on the day. Feel free to bring friends, colleagues and other enthusiasts.


The Information Lab Data School
London, United Kingdom


From 28th August 2019 - 12:54 PM
to 28th August 2019 - 08:30 PM