Volunteer Hackathon for Techtonica Program

Many wonderful recommendations have been made on how to make Techtonica's apprenticeship better, and we need your help to build out those ideas so our apprentices can benefit from the best training possible. Please join us on Saturday, January 6th at the beautiful Google Community Space at Embarcadero to contribute!

General Schedule:
10 AM: Arrive, hear a bit about the program and the needs
10:30 AM: Separate into groups and begin work
1:30 PM: Break for lunch
2:00 PM: Meet the apprentices! 
2:30 PM: Back to work
5:30 PM: Submit progress and wrap-up   
6 PM: Time to go home!

An example of the lesson plans we'll be making: JavaScript 1. Please see the full lectures and sign up for a subject here.

There will be snacks in the kitchen. For something more substantial, please bring a lunch. (Alternatively, if you or your company would like to sponsor lunch for this event, please let us know.) If you're not in the Bay Area, but would still like to help, let us know and we'll give you a remote assignment.


Google Community Space
San FranciscoUnited States


From 6th January 2018 - 10:00 AM
to 6th January 2018 - 06:00 PM


Prizes - Participation is Your Reward