Walk this City - Central

Organized by

    We would love to walk more. However, we don't always know the variety of vibrant experiences and walking routes within reach of our workplace. Let's change this scenario for the better. Change it one scenic, healthy step at a time. Walk this City is a movement to introduce desk-based workers within Business precincts to healthier, more enjoyable walking trails. Trails that take in quieter back streets, cultural attractions, natural beauty and gathering spots e.g. markets, cafes etc. Over time (based on participant feedback) we will collate and curate these trails into a "Walk this City" creative walking App. Feed your creative and wellbeing juices with an early morning or late afternoon walk through and to your neighbourhood's open spaces and cultural attractions. Gain refreshment, expand your business network, look at the everyday from a variety of 'thinking-hats', discover the skill of dynamic observation, be present by asking lot's of questions and practise the art of making non-obvious connections. Our inaugural, "Walk this City - Central" excursion will take place this Friday morning at 7:30 am. We will meet at 140 Redfern Street (a few minutes walk from Redfern Station) and follow the City of Sydney curated walk through Prince Alfred Park and end at Kent Street (just by Town Hall Station). The walk itself will take around 30 minutes and will take in Prince Alfred Park, the old goods line and Chinatown before the final stop at Kent Street. Following this, we can have an optional coffee and discuss our observations. The walk will take place rain, shine or rainbow! If raining, bring an umbrella and enjoy walking in the wet. It's fun. We'll be discussing a simple 'walkability' checklist prior and during the walk. Join the gathering! See you for "Walk this City". PS Walk this city was shaped by our experiences in the WWF Future Cities Hackathon. You can watch our concept presentation via YouTube and read more via DevPost. NOTE: The cover image is sourced from the City of Sydney website 


    140 Redfern Street
    Redfern, Australia


    From 8th December 2017 - 07:30 AM
    to 8th December 2017 - 08:20 AM