Waterloo NASA Space Apps Challenge 2016

Organized by

SkyWatch hosting the NASA International Space Apps Challenge for the Waterloo Region. This hackathon will attract Waterloo’s top tech and non-technical talent including: developers, makers, citizen scientists, engineers and entrepreneurs who will be asked to work non-stop for 48 hours to address NASA-designed challenges. The two winning solutions from the Waterloo challenge will move on to compete with other winners from across the globe, to be judged by the NASA International Space Apps Challenge team. This year’s event will include the unveiling of Canada’s first ever accelerator focused on space startups. The Canadian space industry will make this program become a reality right in the Waterloo district. More details will be reveal at the event.



From 22nd April 2016 - 12:00 AM
to 24th April 2016 - 12:00 AM