Waterlupus Hack
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Are you interested in making a social impact in the health and economics space? Researchers in the Faculty of Environment are collaborating with GreenHouse, to develop and research a problem-solving challenge focused on creating positive social impact by improving the economic quality of life of those living with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). Participants will use their research, design, and critical-thinking skills to develop policy, hardware, and/or social solutions to enhance the working lives of individuals affected by SLE.
As a participant, you will have the opportunity to learn from mentors with lived experience, experts and researchers, collaborate with others from a broad range of disciplines, and learn skills in ideation, policy, prototyping, and pitching. This will allow you to come up with impactful solutions to real problems to be pitched to an expert panel of judges. Opportunities to continue to develop your social innovation solutions are available for the winning teams. Your contributions from this research will be used to improve the working lives of people affected by SLE in Canada.
Food and refreshments will be provided! Your contributions from this research will be used to improve the working lives of people affected by SLE in Canada.
If you would like to learn more, click here to access our Hackathon Letter of Information and our Hackathon Consent Form. For additional questions, please contact Dr. Francesca Cardwell at fcardwel@uwaterloo.ca.
Participation in this research hackathon is voluntary. This project has received ethics clearance from a University of Waterloo Research Ethics Committee (ORE #40295).
Application Process
There are a limited number of spots available for this event. Once you register with your application, we will be going through a selection process to identify successful applicants. You will receive an email in mid-to-late May indicating if you have been accepted as a Hackathon participant.