WearHacks Kitchener-Waterloo
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Apply here: https://wearhackskw.typeform.com/to/EtEMzH
WearHacks KW 2017 is Kitchener-Waterloo region’s premier emerging technologies hackathon.What exactly is WearHacks KW? It’s not just about the prizes or networking opportunities, though we do have those too. More than anything, we’re about community, a place and time where people connected by a common purpose can get together to innovate, discover, learn play, laugh, grow.So if you’re passionate about technology, come join us! We welcome programmers, developers, engineers and designers of all skill levels and background. You will have access to a wide range of mentors and resources and there will be plenty of free meals, snacks, and caffeine to keep you fuelled!We’ll be providing hardware for people to hack with, for more information and the full list of available tech check out our Facebook page and website.For sponsorship or other inquiries please contact: waterloo@wearhacks.com