Windward Student Code War

Are you ready to show the world (and employers!) that you're not just another programming student? The annual International Student Code Wars by Windward Studios is a FREE 8 hour AI challenge for students who want to stand out and have a BLAST doing it!  Taking place at your institution, the competition starts 2/6/2016 at 10AM local time and wraps up at 6PM.  Finalists go on to compete the next day at 11AM MST.  Lunch and drinks are provided by sponsors.

WINNERS get amazing prizes, INTERNATIONAL BRAGGING RIGHTS, and the priceless bonus of listing your achievements on your resume to get that first killer job! 

Previous years prizes include: Free HP laptops, tons of free software, smaller cash prizes for Best Selfie, Best Quote, and Best Story.

Compete with the best and the brightest fromBoston University, Brown University, Carnegie Mellon University, College of William and Mary, Colorado School of Mines, Colorado State University, Columbia University, Computer Science Center – Saint Petersburg, Georgia Institute of TechnologyHarvey Mudd CollegeHendrix College, Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyMichigan Tech, Penn StatePrinceton UniversityPurdue UniversitySaint Petersburg State University, Stanford UniversityUC San Diego, United States Military Academy, University of Alberta, University of Alexandria, University of Central Florida, University of Chicago, University of Colorado, University of Illinois, University of Maryland, University of MassachusettsUniversity of Toronto, University of Victoria, University of Wisconsin...and new schools every year!


Why Code Wars? | What’s a Hackathon? | Register Here 

Are there ID requirements or an age limit to enter the event?

No age limit.  Contest is open to ungergraduate and graduate students registered at an accredited institution.

Why do I still have to register even though I got a ticket?

We use Eventbrite for awareness, but you MUST register at our site in order to play. Go here:

Where can I contact the organizer with any questions?

Follow us: @WWCodeWars,


From 6th February 2016 - 10:00 AM
to 6th February 2016 - 06:00 PM