World MoveIt Day 2019 in Hamburg
Organized by
The fourth annual World MoveIt Day will be Wednesday, November 20th, 2019!
The event is a day long international hackathon with more than 10 locations around the world to improve the MoveIt code base, increase documentation, and discuss exciting developments in our community.
The main event location in Germany will be hosted by the robotics lab TAMS at Universität Hamburg!With a number of robots available - the list including a PR2, Shadow Robotic Hands and several industry arms (PA10, KUKA LWR4+, UR5) - we will come together to find, discuss and fix problems you experienced with the framework.
Try to prepare for the event by coming up with a very concrete problem you would like to look into during the day. This can be anything really, a missing function in the API, a weird error you observe from time to time, missing documentation, that you would really appreciate, a visualization bug...
If nothing comes to mind, look through the open list of issues in the MoveIt repository.All issues marked as moveit day candidate should be issues you might resolve in one afternoon.
MoveIt maintainers Robert Haschke (CITEC Bielefeld), Henning Kayser (PickNik Robotics), and Michael 'v4hn' Görner (Universität Hamburg) will be available to share their experience and support you over the course of the day.
If available, bring your laptop and prepare a source build of your favorite MoveIt/ROS version.
Registration is encouraged, but not mandatory.
Assuming sufficient interest by participants, we would end the day in a restaurant in central Hamburg.