XR EDU Challenge 2

Organized by

     Millibit Hacks and XR EDU present... XR EDU Challenge 2 This event is for ALL students, developers and educators who want to code and/or learn about XR development. XR includes Virtual, Augmented or Mixed Realities. Other non-XR applications are welcome during the event! Devs: Would you like to mentor students who are learning these tools & partner on educational projects? Students: Do you want to work with professionals in the tech industry? Whether you are a developer with a passion for education, a teacher looking to improve the effectiveness in your classroom or a student wanting to see more technology used in your school, come to be part of this exciting creative process. XR EDU Challenge 2 attendees will tackle to solve some of the toughest challenges faced in education or for social good. Something as simple as student engagement or more complex such as retention rates for learning. You can build applications that aid social causes. Come be part of the the SHIFT in tomorrow's world. We will have awesome prizes for winning teams and you can select your own categories related to education, learning or something useful for social good. Anything from gamified learning to expeditions around the world. Thanks to our venue sponsor Microsoft we will have some microsoft mixed reality headsets available and top developers on hand to offer support. Everyone plan to bring their own technology they prefer to work with. Download Unity program before arrival. There will be some mixed reality headsets and VR ready computers to work with but space is limited. All tech is welcome including vives, rifts, etc. Register today as space is limited! ***If you are under the age of 18, you must fill out the WAIVER OF LIABILITY FORM & PHOTO RELEASE***** Please fill out BOTH forms and you can submit electronically by emailing it to xredutech@gmail.com or bring with you to the event. Saturday9:00am -     Doors open 10:00am -   Guest Speaker/Intros/Rules/Code of Conduct 11:00am -   Team Formations & Begin Coding12:00pm -    Lunch 12-5:00pm - Code (Unity Workshop)5:00pm -      Dinner 7:00pm -      Project deadline/Presentations/Judging 8:30pm -      Winners Announced/Closing remarks9:00pm -      Adjourn Unity Reference Guides Roll a Ball Tutorial Sponsors and Supporters of XR EDU Challenge 2: Millibit Hacks is a student led organization created by students of Dougherty Valley High School in the San Ramon Area. Their mission is to create student driven Hackathons and events to connect students with tech professionals.Here are the members who are assisting with the organization of XR EDU Challenge 2.                                                                           Ruchir Baronia-Founder                                                                      Rabail Abbas -Marketing                                                                  Abhigna Kodipyaka -Sponsorship                                                                 Ashwat Chidambaram Budgeting                                                                Vishal Vinjapuri Finances & Logistics Questions: xredutech@gmail.com


    Microsoft Reactor
    San Francisco, United States


    From 23rd February 2019 - 09:00 AM
    to 23rd February 2019 - 09:00 PM