YB Hackathon

Organized by BSC YB and isolutions AG

Work on real company challenges during 24h in the amazing atmosphere of the Stade de Suisse in Berne

The YB Hackathon is a 24h-Hackathon, organized by the Swiss football club BSC YB and isolutions AG. We are looking for passionate software developers, IT professionals, students, hackers and football-fans with tech-background to solve real company challenges in an amazing atmosphere in the Stade de Suisse in Berne. We are open for all technologies. Join us and improve your know-ledge, meet new people and have fun. There will also be great prizes for the winner teams! Please sign up here: https://hackathon.bscyb.ch/#anmeldung-hacker-typeform



Stade de Suisse
Bern, Switzerland


From 15th November 2019 - 09:00 AM
to 16th November 2019 - 03:00 PM


1st - Cash
2nd - Cash
3rd - Cash
1st - 3rd - Gifts