YYC Carbon Hackathon

Organized by

    Come hack with us - on the ways that Carbon can build our world with carbon as the basis of construction materials, Hack to the Future. Use the development of the Rainforest AB,  New-Space "PLATFORM" in Downtown Calgary, to imagine how we might build it out of Carbon based materials rather than our traditional building materials? In a Future with 9 billion people,  carbon will be far too valuable for us to be released into the atmosphere. The chemical value of Carbon will be far greater than its thermal value alone, Carbon will be the element we will need to make food, fuel, and building for the expected global population. Let's start a carbon economy here in Alberta that is not based on combustion of Hydrocarbons but on the more valuable use of our carbon resources. We need to hack a better future and change the narrative on oil & gas. Let's start now by hacking a Carbon Design Platform! If you believe as we do that this might be a better way to vent / sequester carbon by making & finding better new productive uses for it then please join us to from groups around - how we - collectively-  could come up with ideas solutions and ways to mimic the natural environment in the built environment.  Perhaps we could determine how to use the hydrogen fossils fuels for energy and the carbon to build and feed our world so CO2 is seen as to valuable to release in the atmosphere... for more click here  and/or info email to Simon@pure-enertech.com


    From 15th June 2018 - 06:00 PM
    to 16th June 2018 - 04:00 PM