ZIO Hackathon 2019 (Berlin Edition)
Organized by
The second official ZIO Hackathon is designed to bring together many core contributors to ZIO from all around the world, as well as current ZIO users, future ZIO users and contributors, and contributors to other libraries for async and concurrent programming in the broader functional Scala ecosystem (Monix, Cats Effect, FS2, etc.).
Over the course of two days, we will share and learn about ZIO and related projects; chat about functional programming, functional Scala, and much more; work on fun projects; and get to know one another.
Friday - Meet & Greet
Attendees will gather on the evening of Friday November 1st at The Hub @ Zalando, in Berlin, Germany. Meet other ZIO contributors, ZIO users, and developers from the broader functional Scala ecosystem, and learn the basics of functional effect systems like ZIO.
Note: Some people will arrive late on Friday.
Saturday - Hackathon & Breakouts
Attendees will be able to form breakout sessions to learn about specific aspects of ZIO (introduction to ZIO, fibers, STM, execution traces, etc.), and team leaders will help different groups work on core issues in ZIO, the ZIO ecosystem, and other related libraries in the functional Scala ecosystem.
There will be ample time for networking activities during meals and after the days activities conclude.
Sunday - Hackathon
Attendees will meet for a second day of hackathon sessions.
There will be ample time for networking activities during meals and after the days activities conclude.
Note: Some people will leave early on Sunday.
About ZIO
ZIO is a zero-dependency Scala library for asynchronous and concurrent programming.
Powered by highly-scalable, non-blocking fibers that never waste or leak resources, ZIO lets you build scalable, resilient, and reactive applications that meet the needs of your business.
High-performance. Build scalable applications with 100x the performance of Scala's Future.
Type-safe. Use the full power of the Scala compiler to catch bugs at compile time.
Concurrent. Easily build concurrent apps without deadlocks, race conditions, or complexity.
Asynchronous. Write sequential code that looks the same whether it's asynchronous or synchronous.
Resource-safe. Build apps that never leak resources (including threads!), even when they fail.
Testable. Inject test services into your app for fast, deterministic, and type-safe testing.
Resilient. Build apps that never lose errors, and which respond to failure locally and flexibly.
Functional. Rapidly compose solutions to complex problems from simple building blocks.