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Open Source Security Software Hackathon - 1st Tōkyō Edition
26 Mar - 10:00 AM
Tokyo, Japan
Team CIRCL organizes the 1st Open Source Security Software Hackathon in paraallel to the one in Luxembourg in Tokyo on Monday March 26, 2018.
Language: We will speak English but there will certainly be people able able to translat from and to Japanese ^_^
This 1-day Hackathon is dedicated to Free/Open Source Software in the field of cybersecurity.
The aim is to gather various developer groups to collaborate on challenging programming problems in the field of cybersecurity: from information sharing, network/system forensic, data mining challenges, network/computer exploitation or defense.The objective of the Open Source Security Software hackathon is also to improve the interoperability and exchange between the different security tools
The event is free of charge and will cover projects such as:
MISP Threat Intelligence Sharing Platform
TheHive Scalable, Open Source & Free Security Incident Response Platform
CVE search Common Vulnerabilities & Exposure Web Interface & API
AIL Analysis Information Leak framework
MONARC Risk Assesment Method
STrelok Application for STIX v2.0 objects management and analysis
Viper Binary analysis and management frameworkThis list is not exhaustive.
Teams and individuals will be able to propose their own open source projects they wish to work on.This event runs in parallel to the hackathon in Luxembourg, in case you are in Europe, check the event out here.
Location will be here: JPCERT/CC Map
Open Source Security Software Hackathon - 3rd Edition
26 Mar - 09:00 AM
Luxembourg, Luxembourg
The team organizes the third Open Source Security Software Hackathon conference on Monday 26 March 2018.This 1-day Hackathon is dedicated to Free/Open Source Software in the field of cybersecurity.
The aim is to gather various developer groups to collaborate on challenging programming problems in the field of cybersecurity: from information sharing, network/system forensic, data mining challenges, network/computer exploitation or defense.The objective of the Open Source Security Software hackathon is also to improve the interoperability and exchange between the different security tools
The event is free of charge and will cover projects such as:
MISP Threat Intelligence Sharing Platform
TheHive Scalable, Open Source & Free Security Incident Response Platform
CVE search Common Vulnerabilities & Exposure Web Interface & API
AIL Analysis Information Leak framework
MONARC Risk Assesment Method
Viper Binary analysis and management frameworkThis list is not exhaustive.
Teams and individuals will be able to propose their own open source projects they wish to work on.
A small note: the two days after the hackathon, there will be a MISP training session.
MISP Developer Training & Hackathon about the Threat Intelligence Platform
12 Jan - 10:00 AM
Zürich, Switzerland
In a continuous effort since 2016, CIRCL frequently gives training sessions about MISP (Malware Information Sharing Platform & Threat Sharing) and hackathon. The purpose is to reach out to security analysts using MISP as a threat intelligence platform along with users using it as an information sharing platform. This is an opportunity for the users to meet the developers and exchange about potential improvements or use-cases using MISP as a threat-intelligence platform. This hackathon and developer training session is kindly hosted by MISP training will demonstrate how the platform functions; explain how to share, comment and contribute data, and describe the future developments. This part of the training focuses on the extension aspects of MISP including API, ZMQ or even contributing in the core software. The audience intended for this training are the analysts with some software engineering experience who are willing to expand MISP to suit their integration or extension requirements. Or contributors to the MISP project which want to take an active role in the MISP developer community.