Sowing results 3 out of 3
Predict the DEFCON level with Machine Learning
  28 Feb - 07:00 PM
To stay alert in a situation of a military conflict,cope with it, and mitigate its implications, a country has set up the DEFCON (Defense Readiness Condition) warning system. This alert system is used to gauge the level of readiness for the military forces to be prepared for the consequences of sucha conflict. You are given synthesized data that can be used to build a model that accurately predicts the DEFCON level raised as a result of the conflict. Why should you participate in this challenge? Get hands-on experience in Machine Learning Grab your chance to win up to $250!
Auto-tag Images of the Gala with Deep Learning
  21 Feb - 07:00 PM
A firm that hosts grand gala nights has begunits planning for the next event. For aesthetics and entertainment, the firm has decided to take a data-driven approach. It has aggregated all images of past events that have beenpublished by attendees and the paparazzi on various social media channels and other sources. You are required to build an image auto-tagging model to classify these images into separate categories. Why should you participate in this challenge? Get hands-on experience in Deep Learning Grab your chance to win up to $250!
Calculate the severity of an airplane accident
  08 Jan - 07:00 PM
This challenge is based on classification—one of the basic building blocks of Machine Learning. By taking this challenge, you get a chance to actively enhance your knowledge of classification. You also get a chance to win up to $250.