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impactNPO Charity Hackathon weekend - September 2016
  30 Sep - 06:00 PM
  Auckland, New Zealand
Techies, designers, business people! Want to lend a hand to some deserving charities? Come and participate in the impactNPO Charity Hackathon weekend. You'll be helping one of the following charities: Project Restore, ADC, Solvelution, or Randwick Park Association. In previous events, hackers have collaborated to help numerous charities with websites, IT infrastructure, design, branding, content as well as general advice.
impactNPO Charity Hackathon weekend - August 2016
  12 Aug - 06:00 PM
  Auckland, New Zealand
Come and participate in the mpactNPO Charity Hackathon weekend! Collaborate to give back to the community by providing IT solutions to the following charities: Amnesty International, Make Live Give, Rainbow Youth, and Lifewise. Just bring an open mind, a smile and your own computer/laptop. Don’t forget your phone, chargers or any other gadgets that you rely on.