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Symphony Innovate 2020 Hackathon: Paris
01 Jun - 09:00 AM
Paris, France
Hack into New Workflows at the Symphony Innovate Hackathon in Paris
Rejoignez des développeurs talentueux lors de notre prochain Symphony Hackathon organisé à Paris en juin (date et location exacte de venir).Durant toute une journée, vous aurez l’occasion de développer des solutions uniques et innovantes et ainsi optimisez votre façon de travailler. Cela vous permettra également d'abolir des barrières tant externes - entre entreprises - qu'internes - entre Front, Middle et Back Offices.Des équipes composées de 1 à 5 personnes travailleront ensemble pour créer un BOT, une application ou une intégration et ainsi bénéficier au mieux de Symphony. Les membres de l'équipe doivent s'inscrire individuellement au Hackathon.Deux gagnants seront sélectionnés par rapport à deux catégories de prix. Les équipes seront jugées en fonction du degré d’innovation, de la technicité et de l'impact commercial potentiel de leur projet. Les gagnants recevront leur prix sur scène à la fin de la journée.Les catégories de prix sont :
Meilleur développement technique avec l’utilisation la plus innovante des API de Symphony.
Meilleure amélioration de workflow (Considération spéciale pour un workflow inter-entreprises).Le détail sur les prix suivra.
Toutes les équipes gagnantes et leurs projets pourront éventuellement être présentés le 28 avril 2020 au conference Symphony Innovate à Londres. Pour participer à notre Hackathon, vous devrez :1. Inscrire tous les membres de votre équipe avant le 27 mars 2020.2. Assister ou visionner un webinaire d'une heure avant l'événement. Details de venir. 3. Fournir votre propre matériel (Ordinateurs portables, chargeurs, etc.) le jour de l'événement. Internet sera fourni.
Lors de cette journée, un petit déjeuner, un déjeuner et des collations seront servis. Enfin, un cocktail décontracté clôturera la cérémonie de remise des prix.
Pour plus d'informations, contactez . Voulez-vous participer au Hackathon à Londres? Voyez le site web.
By attending a Symphony Innovate Europe 2020 Hackathon, you consent to (i) be photographed, filmed and/or otherwise recorded; (ii) be included in Symphony’s developer newsletter distribution list (which distribution will contain an unsubscribe option if you no longer desire to receive the newsletters); and (iii) the use and publication by Symphony Communication Services, LLC, its affiliates and any applicable media agency acting on Symphony’s behalf of (1) your name, likeness, statements & voice (if applicable) and (2) images, descriptions (whether verbal or written) and videos of any developments you bring to, or display or created at, the Hackathon, in each case as such information or media is received or recorded by Symphony at Symphony Innovate Europe 2020, for any purpose in which Symphony engages, including any promotion, advertisement or other conduct of trade.
Symphony Innovate Europe 2020
28 Apr - 08:00 AM
London, United Kingdom
Symphony Innovate Europe 2020 is an invite-only event. Registration is free for buy and sell-side market participants. Please reach out to your Symphony representative to secure your invitation.
Breakfast and networking to begin at 8am; program will run 9am-6pm. Cocktails to follow.
For those planning your global calendars, save the date for Innovate New York 2020 on 7-8 October. More information to come in Spring.
Symphony Innovate Europe 2020 will bring together over 300 executives and technology experts to discover how to streamline secure collaboration, connect information systems, and automate workflow across global markets.
Drive Digital TransformationDiscover and define the latest secure collaboration best practices and trusted automated solutions with other industry experts. Think you have a game-changing bot or integration? Submit it for the Symphony Innovation Award today. Winners will be presented on stage at Symphony Innovate Europe 2020.
Hack WorkflowCompete in a regional Hackathons hosted in the days leading up to the conference for a chance to showcase your business solution on stage.
Discover CollaborationSee how firms are extending internal systems and connecting with their communities through the Symphony platform.
By attending Symphony Innovate Europe 2020, you consent to (i) be photographed, filmed and/or otherwise recorded; (ii) be included in Symphony’s newsletter distribution list (which distribution will contain an unsubscribe option if you no longer desire to receive the newsletters); and (iii) the use and publication by Symphony Communication Services, LLC, its affiliates and any applicable media agency acting on Symphony’s behalf of (1) your name, likeness, statements & voice (if applicable) and (2) images, descriptions (whether verbal or written) and videos of any developments you bring to, or display or created at, the event, in each case as such information or media is received or recorded by Symphony at Symphony Innovate Europe 2020, for any purpose in which Symphony engages, including any promotion, advertisement or other conduct of trade.
Symphony Innovate 2020 Hackathon: London
23 Apr - 09:00 AM
London, United Kingdom
Hack into New Workflows at the Symphony Innovate Hackathon in London
Build on your secure collaboration platform to extend critical workflows beyond your company walls. Develop scalable, innovative solutions at an upcoming Symphony Hackathon to bring progress and efficiency to your firm. Developments should break down silos across firms, as well as internally across front, middle, and back offices.
Schedule: 9 AM - 5 PM Hackathon 5 PM - 6 PM Presentations 6 PM - 6:30 PM Awards, Cocktails to follow *Breakfast and lunch, will be provided
Requirements:In order to participate in any of the hackathons, individuals must:
Register each individual team member by 27 March 2020. Teams must be comprised of 1-5 individuals.
Attend our one-hour webinar prior to the event. Session dates to be announced.
Day of: Provide your own hardware (laptops, chargers, etc.). Internet access will be provided.
Note: You do not have to be a current Symphony customer to participate in the hackathons.
Awards & Recognition:Three winners will be selected from each location, one in the following categories:
Most Cutting-Edge Technical Development for the project with the most innovative use of Symphony APIs.
Most Progressive Business Workflow for the most improved workflow to an inefficient process. Special consideration for cross-company workflows.
TBA Host Category - Award and winner to be selected by hosts and may differ per location.
All winning developments have the option to be featured at Symphony Innovate 2020 on 28 April in London.
Questions? Email us at Have a team in Paris who would like to participate? Have them register now!
See our Innovate Hackathon & Innovation Award winners from 2019!
By attending a Symphony Innovate Europe 2020 Hackathon, you consent to (i) be photographed, filmed and/or otherwise recorded; (ii) be included in Symphony’s newsletter distribution list (which distribution will contain an unsubscribe option if you no longer desire to receive the newsletters); and (iii) the use and publication by Symphony Communication Services, LLC, its affiliates and any applicable media agency acting on Symphony’s behalf of (1) your name, likeness, statements & voice (if applicable) and (2) images, descriptions (whether verbal or written) and videos of any developments you bring to, or display or created at, the event, in each case as such information or media is received or recorded by Symphony at Symphony Innovate Europe 2020, for any purpose in which Symphony engages, including any promotion, advertisement or other conduct of trade.