Showing results 1 to 10 out of 188
Lyreco Frictionless Supplies
  18 Dec - 08:30 AM
  Saint-Mandé, France
Startups en prédiction, reconnaissance d’images et IoT ? Participez au hackathon Frictionless Supplies de Lyreco et réinventez le réapprovisionnement. Après une journée de travail et de pitch à Paris, tentez de remporter 20 000€ de partenariat avec le leader européen des fournitures de bureaux ! Inscriptions jusqu'au 3 décembre.
  15 Dec - 12:27 PM
  Bengaluru, India
Hackference India is an event mounted towards the goal of reaching India's biggest ever Open Source Community event. The community is working to bring out the link and inducing the thinkers and doers to cultivate results and solutions for the community, uniting every member to beget and breed innovation for the dynamic and prolific revolution.
Genpact Machine Learning Hackathon
  15 Dec - 11:25 AM
Apple MacBook, Apple iPad & Apple Watch are up for grabs for the top 3 winners! Best performers also get a chance to get interviewed by Genpact for analytics and data science roles !! So what are you waiting for? Its time to show your talent and skillset and leave your mark !!!
DC Small Business Hackathon
  15 Dec - 09:00 AM
  Arlington, United States
  $3,000 + $2,500 of AWS Promotional Credits + Feature in AWS Machine Learning blog post + Swag Bag
The Hackathon will focus on two main challenges: 1. Disaster Response & Assistance Automation The goal is to provide a faster, quicker, easier and more accurate customer service 2. SBIR/STTR Grants Analysis and Insights Produce a tool to help entrepreneurs, VCs, and the government agencies to gain insights in Federal R&D using AWS Analytics and Machine Learning platform
Seattle Legal Tech - 3rd Annual 21st Century Lawyer CLE (3 CLE Pending)
  12 Dec - 02:00 PM
  Seattle, United States
We are back with our third annual (3rd, THIRD people!) 21st Century Lawyer Seattle Legal Tech CLE. This year, we're bringing back some popular speakers and, and, AND this year you'll get credit for building tech! That's right, we're going to do a mini-hackathon right in the middle of the CLE. And you'll get credit for it. But don't get intimidated! We're using tools that anyone can quickly and easily learn to use.  Event is sponsored in part by Seattle University School of Law. Thanks SU!  Here's the full program (with some additional detail coming soon): Meet the hackers! Back by popular demand - but better than last year too - Wendy Knox Everette and Brendan O'Connor (with a possible third special guest to join) will blow your minds on data privacy, security, and everything you ever needed to know about hackers. GDP . . . What?  Join us for the fastest and best primer on what GDPR is and why you should care. Local attorney and GDPR expert Deserae Abed-Rabbo Weitmann is going to lay some serious GDPR knowledge on us. Get ready. QnA Markup Hackathon Then, we hack. Using David Colarusso's QnA Markup Tool participants (that's you!) will build interactive Q and A tools to answer a legal question. We'll all vote on a winner. Oh, and we're bringing Tom Martin from LawDroid in Vancouver BC to oversee the hacking mania. And don't be intimidated! If you know how to type and can follow some simple directions you can learn to use QnA Markup in just a few minutes.   A2J Tech Next, we'll talk access to justice and technology with access advocate and tech rockstar Sart Rowe. Cutting Edge Legal Service Models Finally Dan Lear and Jordan Couch will talk about how innovators are, can, and should build new, ethically compliant, business models to collaborate with others outside of legal to build cutting edge legal service delivery models to transform the legal landscape. We're being hosted and sponsored by the gracious folks at Seattle University School of Law. And proceeds will go to the Seattle Legal Tech Microgrant Innovation Program - more coming on that next year.  Meantime, these tickets will go fast so grab yours now and join us to get CLE credit while you get your mind blown. Brought to you by Seattle Legal Tech and Seattle University School of Law  
Hearing Hub Ideas: Hackathon
  12 Dec - 09:00 AM
  Sydney, Australia
  $300 per challenge
The hackathon will be organised by the machine-learning applications for hearing and hearing-technology ideas group at the Australian Hearing Hub. The goal is to develop collaborations within the Australian Hearing Hub and across the University, generating grant applications and projects leading to innovative technologies in hearing research. Prizes 1st Prize: $300 for each challenge 2nd Prize: $150 for each challenge 'People’s Choice’ prize: $100 Challenges There will be two challenges involving data to be released at the start of the hackathon: 1) How well can speech understanding be predicted from electroencephalogram (EEG) data? 2) Can we determine what factors are causing hearing loss in young people, using a dataset of 1400 respondents that includes lifestyle surveys, physiological measurements and hearing tests? We are particularly interested in recruiting hackathon participants with backgrounds in computer science, engineering, statistics, or neuroscience. Some programming experience in Python is recommended. Baseline solutions for the challenges will be provided in Python but participants may approach the problems however they wish. Structure The hackathon will take place over three days (12-14 December) from 9am to 5pm. Day 1: AM - Icebreaker, introduction to the challenges, form teams PM- Hacking Day 2: Open.  For those attending the Australian Hearing Hub, there will be a Python expert at hand to provide support if required. For those working from home or elsewhere, there will be online support throughout the day. Day 3: AM – Hacking PM – presentations, judging and prize giving! Lunch and refreshments will be provided on all three days.
Huawei Deep Learning Experience
  11 Dec - 02:00 PM
  Stockholm, Sweden
  Three best teams win a trip to China
Master students at Sweden's KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Kista! You're invited to participate in the Huawei Deep Learning Experience. During this 24-hour event, you'll get to create an innovative machine learning solution that can generalize and compress unlabeled information. You'll have access to over 100,000 unlabeled data and compete against all other teams to extract the most useful information. Three best teams win a trip to China and a possible internship.
Huawei Deep Learning Experience
  11 Dec - 01:00 PM
  Stockholm, Sweden
The goal will be to process more than 100k unlabeled data and propose an algorithm able to generalize and compress unlabeled information. Will you be able to extract the most useful information from this data? You’ll be given access to datasets, Google cloud infrastructure, and mentoring will be provided by Huawei’s experts. The top three winners get a free trip to China! Plus a possible internship with HUAWEI!
DoraHacks SF Blockchain Hackathon- 8Hour ESports-vibe! Now or Never:D!
  11 Dec - 08:30 AM
  San Francisco, United States
  up to $US 1 million
Blockchain engineers and hackers, application security and audit experts, data analysts, product and UI/UX designers, mobile and web developers! You're invited to participate in the WDAS x DoraHacks-Hacker Arena! Come as a team of 3-6 people and work on a project of your choice -- either the DoraHacks Satellite Design Hack challenge, or one of the 20 professional challenges sets by top blockchain projects. Showcase your skills and compete for your share of a 1 million $USD prize pool.
Coding Culture Hackathon II
  07 Dec - 04:00 PM
  Mumbai, India
  40.000 INR
In the context of cultural and artistic space, data is not only defined by information, but is connected to a history, defining the context for that data. No artworks are isolated elements; they are all rooted in society and culture, including digital art.