Showing results 1 to 10 out of 166
Smart Port Challenge 2020
18 Dec - 04:30 PM
The2020 Smart Port Challengeis a virtual competition open to anyone with innovative concepts that will revolutionise the current state of Morocco’s port functionality. Participants will have three themes to select from when developing their solution(s), each posing unique challenges. The winning projects will be offered an incubation programtransitioning their idea from prototype to POC! Who can participate?This is a global event, and anyone with an innovative idea is welcome to take part Why participate? Showcase your skills and explore your ideas Make a real-world, lasting impact Win project development opportunities Timeline Registration Opens: November 16, 2020 Opening Webinar: December 17, 2020 Ideation & Project Creation: December 18, 2020 - January 10, 2021 Prototyping: January 11-12, 2021 Final Submission Deadline: January 24, 2021 Judging: January 25 - 27, 2021 Final Demos & Winner Announcements: January 29, 2021
17 Dec - 07:30 PM
Moscow, Russia
ХАКАТОН FIT-M 2020 — это двухдневное соревнование объединенных команд программистов, химиков, физиков, математиков, инженеров и технологов, нацеленный на поиск новых идей и прорывных решений в области широкого применения цифровых технологий в научной деятельности для создания инновационных технологий в различных индустриальных направлениях. Основная постановка задач индустриальными партнёрами будет нацелена на биоинформатику, генетику, материаловедение (прогнозирование свойств, компьютерное проектирование и дизайн материалов), персональную медицину, синтез новых материалов и компьютерные симуляции научных экспериментов.
Challenge IA de l'IoT Week by CITC
08 Dec - 08:30 AM
Lille, France
Machine learning, data science, and deep learning professionals and enthusiasts in and around Lille! The Centre d'Innovation des Technologies sans (CITC) invites you to participate in the IA Challenge that will be held during the IoT Week. During the 4-day IA Challenge, you'll get to create an innovative solution that addresses one of three real-world problems and associated datasets that are posed by three partnering companies. You can come with a multi-disciplinary team of up to four members -- or join one at the event. Your team is free to use your programming language (Python, R, C, C ++, etc.) and framework (Scikit-learn, Tensorflow, Pytorch, Mxnet, etc.) of choice. Get ready to participate in the IA Challenge with smart hackathon advice.
Huawei European University Challenge - POLAND
04 Dec - 12:00 AM
The Huawei European University Challenge 2020 Poland is an exciting opportunity for students to collaborate with one of the industry’s top providers of information and communications technology (ICT) infrastructure and smart devices in a competitive environment. Working independently, participants will design and implement a similarity identification algorithm. To be eligible to take part, students must be enrolled in a Polish university and working towards their Bachelor's, Master's or PhD. International students who are completing an exchange or participating in an Erasmus program in Poland are also welcome to take part. Timeline Registration Opens: November 4, 2020 Registration Closes: December 1, 2020 Challenge Begins: December 4, 2020 Final Submission Deadline: December 13, 2020 Awards Ceremony: December 16, 2020
Remote Rhapsody Online Hackathon by Deutsche Telekom
30 Nov - 09:00 AM
Deutsche Telekom's tech incubator hubraum is looking fordevelopers, designers, and do’ersto join them in developing new applications forthe TelekomVoicification Suite. Participants willchoose from three unique challenge topics and compete for8000€in cash prizes. Why participate? TheRemote Rhapsody hackathonis an excellent opportunity to: Showcase your skills and explore your ideas Connect with leading telecommunications experts Experience the Magenta Smart Speaker andTelekom Voicification Suite Winup to 4,000€ How to join? Sign up and submit your project on the hackathon
28 Nov - 12:00 AM
HackTable is a global online hackathon for students in grades 8-12 with a focus on virtual education. Students of all levels of computer science experience ranging from novices to experienced coders can find categories that can challenge them to think critically.
Huawei European University Challenge 2020 Ireland
16 Nov - 10:00 AM
The Huawei European University Challenge 2020 Ireland is all about Time Series Anomaly Detection. Students from across the country will develop algorithms to identify anomalies of KPI value as accurately as possible. Winners will take home Huawei products and be considered for internship positions within the company. Who can participate? Undergraduate, Master’s and PhD students based in Ireland are all eligible to participate. Why participate? The Huawei European University Challenge 2020 Ireland is an excellent opportunity to: Showcase your skills Explore your ideas Win prizes How to join? Sign up and submit your project on the hackathon platform
Hackathon CHUM
12 Nov - 08:21 AM
Montréal, Canada
Le CHUM prend les mesures nécessaires afin d'assurer la sécurité de nos patients, de nos visiteurs et de nos équipes, en nous appuyant sur les recommandations de la santé publique, nous tenons à vous informer que le Hackathon du CHUM a été reporté au 12, 13 et 14 novembre 2020. Vous aurez plus de temps pour finaliser vos équipes, proposer vos problématiques et travailler sur votre solution. Si vous êtes déjà participants et participantes vous êtes automatiquement inscrits(es) pour les prochaines dates. Par ailleurs, si celles-ci ne vous conviennent pas, le coût de votre participation vous sera remboursé. Nous vous invitons à communiquer avec nous à Qu’est-ce qu’un Hackathon? Des participants de tous horizons seront réunis lors de sessions de travail intensives afin de développer une solution pour répondre à une problématique en santé. Chaque équipe réunira des programmeurs, des analystes en données, des ingénieurs, des médecins, des professionnels de la santé ainsi que des patients. L’objectif : utiliser la force de l’intelligence collective pour trouver des solutions concrètes à des défis et des problèmes de santé. Le projet de l’équipe gagnante aura la chance d’en poursuivre le développement avec le soutien du Comité d’innovation et d’IA mis en place par les initiateurs du projet.
hackCBS 3.0
07 Nov - 09:00 AM
hackCBS, a legacy being carried forward by like-minded individuals aims to collaborate the intellects of programmers, designers, application developers, tech-geeks, and newbies in the world of programming for the intensive development of a hack. At hackCBS, we help you turn your ideas into reality by providing a comforting and welcoming environment. You’ll have all the freedom to create a product, learn new things, and to have hilariously funny moments with your friends. Moreover, we’ll offer you a chance to network with working professionals and hacker community leaders. You will never learn faster than you will at a hackathon hackCBS 3.0, the third edition of India's Largest Student-run Hackathon, goes virtual, no matter where you are, you can participate and be a part of the most anticipated hackathon of the year. Commence all your intelligence and skills with your coffee mug and achieve the impossible. We are focusing on the following tracks this time: 1. Productivity and Networking 2. Gaming and Entertainment 3. EdTech 4. Healthcare 5. FinTech 6. AgriTech 7. Open Innovation Comrades, the time has come to challenge yourself and strive hard to push your limits to Learn.Teach.Hack.Win So what are you waiting for? Register now at Stay tuned for more updates!
Symbioticon 2020 #GameChanger
06 Nov - 10:00 AM
Die Symbioticon 2020 wird zum rein digitalen Hackathon und Tech-Event. Motto: #GameChanger – Mode: Game on! Die Fusion aus Hackathon, Konferenz und Networking findet 2020 als Online-Event statt.Die Anmeldephase für Teilnehmerteams beginnt am 10. Oktober 2020. Das digitale Event startet dann am 06. November und endet am 24. November mit den Final Pitches der besten Teams. Die Gewinnerideen werden in 2021 mit dem Ziel weiterentwickelt, sie zu pilotieren. Du willst beim Hackathon antreten oder die Symbioticon 2020 als Besuchermiterleben? Zieh dir jetzt das kostenlose Insider-Ticket via Eventbrite und erhalte regelmäßig alle wichtigen Infos vor und während des Events. Jetzt kostenloses Ticket sichern!