Showing results 1 to 10 out of 25
GDG Devfest Delta 2015
20 Dec - 12:30 PM
Mansoura, Egypt
The DevFest Delta event is organized by GDG Delta University, it willl have conferences and workshops about Google technologies especially Andoid , Web and Cloud computing, all of the sessions will be animated by local and international speakers. The program includes 14 conferences, 6 workshops, and more than 48 hours of pure Google technologies topics.
HackaThon Albania 2015 : Living in another city
19 Dec - 09:00 AM
Tirana, Albania
A Hackathon Marathon for different individuals to participate and work on an application. The theme is life in another city and participants are suggested to create a map through an app using data about a specific area of a country or cities. Collecting data for creating a map or application to compare one town or area to another area in order to have clarity about what life is like in another city.
Each team will need, a good narrative or storyteller, an analyst who calculates percentages, a developer, an information scout or data colector, and a graphic designer.
Fintech Storm - Hack Make the Bank HACKATHON
14 Dec - 10:00 AM
New Delhi, India
Genius Incubator and The Open Bank Project present the Indian edition of the Global FinTech hackathon series “Hack/Make The Bank” for brainstorming and software creation leveraging à set of available APIs in order to prototype the future of banking. Participants will receive a host of application programming interfaces (APIs) and services they can leverage to bring their idea to life. You can come alone or join a team. Mentoring sessions will be provided for guidance and a demo from your hack will be presented to a panel of bank executives, FinTech entrepreneurs and the general public at the end of the day.
BIMscript® Online accreditation 2015
14 Dec - 09:00 AM
Stockholm, Sweden
BIMscript® Hackathon organized by BIMobject® will give you access to use BIMscript together with their core developers yo teach you how to master BIMscript & LENA for Rhino. A vast new world of opportunities for content developers and internal mechanical CAD departments to develop their own content for most BIM platforms using a single script. Already after an hour you will be able to see your first intelligent BIM objects come to life out of mechanical CAD data. Take advantage of the opportunity to get accredited to use BIMscript & LENA in real projects; with your own clients and your own projects. You will get a free hidden Project Cloud where you can build your own limited access catalogue.
Super Happy Dev House #SEA2
13 Dec - 11:00 AM
Seattle, United States
Super Happy Dev House #SEA2 lets you create something unique for the holidays! Code and develop your own gift for your friends and loved ones using a cool collection of hardware, including Raspberry Pi's, Arduino's, an oscilloscope, and a VR headset.
Come and join the hacker culture to have fun, build things, learn things, and meet new people. It's called hacker culture, and we're here to encourage it!
AIA-Konica Minolta Digital Health Hackathon
12 Dec - 09:00 AM
Singapore River, Singapore
A Hackathon to develop technological solutions for revolutionizing today's healthcare. Preventing, diagnosing and treating diseases through technology and a good business model. This is your chance to be part of this digital health movement!
3rd #dbhackathon: commit open data
11 Dec - 12:00 PM
Berlin, Germany
Deutsche Bahn manages stations, railways, bridges, tunnels, parking spaces and large construction projects. For their 3rd Hackathon, they will be providing their information to the general public to find innovative ideas and collaborative cooperation to suit their infrastructure.
Hack the Dot San Francisco
10 Dec - 06:00 PM
San Francisco, United States
All the teams are told a single premium domain name at the beginning of the event to build something for. They then have two hours to
Come up with a functioning site inspired by a premium domain name given to you at the start of the hackathon. Which ever team builds the most creative and funny idea for the domain wins.
Hackathon ETSINF
10 Dec - 04:00 PM
València, Spain
ETSINF, School of Computer Engineering of Valencia, joins together with GeeksHubs Academy to host a Hackathon for students to develop their project into a prototype. Using the lean canvas technique, each team will put their idea into a business perspective. After this is done, student will develop their project into a product according to the business plan that they have agreed on. This hackathon is aimed for students who are interested in turning their idea into a real start-up!
IIIF Working Groups
07 Dec - 01:30 PM
9000 Ghent, Belgium
IIIF Community is part of the world’s leading research libraries and image repositories that have embarked on an effort to collaboratively produce an interoperable technology and community framework for image delivery. The event is devided into different IIIF events associated with the Ghent symposium: the technical pre-event workshop, the
IIIF Community Roundtable, the Mirador Contributors Group, the Newspaper Interest Group, the Universal Viewer and Manifesto, and the Unconference.