Showing results 1 to 10 out of 292
DB Open Data Hackathon
  16 Dec - 05:00 PM
  Berlin, Germany
Developers, designers, open data techies! Interested in trains and how open data can make railway travel in Germany better? You're invited to sign up and participate in the Deutsche Bahn (DB) Open Data Hackathon. You'll be challenged to help shape the future of the railway with digital technology. You'll be introduced to open data APIs and data sets provided by Deutsche Bahn and use them to design and develop working prototypes with a 24-hour period. Collaborate and compete to win prizes for your app prototypes using data from the DB APIs.
BBVA API Market - Lunch N' Learn
  09 Dec - 12:00 PM
  Manhattan, United States
All New York City tristate Fintech startups and hackers! Signed up for Startupbootcamp's Fintech Holiday Hackathon? Terrific! Come and sign-up for a pre-hackathon workshop to learn all about BBVA's application programming interfaces (APIs). You'll be able to meet and network with BBVA's CTO, and other Fintech hackathon participants. Get all the technical and design scoop on the APIs that you'll use in the hackathon!
Planning System Hack
  02 Dec - 06:30 PM
  London, United Kingdom
Built environment professionals! Come and participate in Land Insight's Planning System Hack — a weekend of problem solving using planning applications. You'll get to experiment with the Land Insight API for planning applications and address chalenges such as: »Environmental uses »Social/ Civic Uses »Best business case »Sponsor challenges
Accenture Digital Hackathon - Connected Edition
  26 Nov - 09:00 AM
  Prague, Czech Republic
Join hackers from all over the Czech Republic to compete in Accenture's Digital Hackathon! I'm sure you've heard a pitch like this before, but Accenture has decided to go beyond the breadth of most hackathons by simultaneously holding this hackathon in Rome, Dubai, Prague, London, Dortmund, Madrid, Amsterdam and Istanbul! Join a truly special and unique event and with a team of three to five people to produce a product that creates economic and social value to your community.
Ultrahack 2016
  25 Nov - 12:00 AM
  Helsinki, Finland
Get ready to Ultrahack, one of the biggest hackathons in Europe for the development ideas and software. Ultrahack has top notch industry players to provide never-before-published APIs and tools. You can join with your pre-existing software and get expert evaluation and coaching or you can start from the scratch. All participants will have a good chance of winning during this extraordinary hackathon experience!
Lady Problems Hackathon - Boston
  19 Nov - 09:00 AM
  Boston, United States
Want to help break down the barriers to female entrepreneurship? Want to help more women enter and succeed in the technology sector? Come and participate in the Lady Problem Global Hackathon Series in Boston! Collaborate with like-minded women—and men—in an effort to build creative solutions to realize the potential of the female half of our world population! You'll be asked to hack a solution to one of the following challenges: Health: Help women access health resources to ensure that they can have successful careers, regardless of whether or not they choose to have children. Safety: Help ensure that women can be safe when they; go to, are at, and come home from work. Economic Empowerment: Help women gain financial literacy and access the resources they need to grow their businesses. Culture: Help women access better mentorship and feel less isolated in the workplace. Search the expert hackathon tips page for answers to your questions on the Lady Problem Global Hackathon Series in Boston!
Barcamp Dortmund Plus OpenTechSchool & Data Mining Hackathon
  19 Nov - 09:00 AM
  Dortmund, Germany
Interested in artificial intelligence to capture and process real-time data? Come and participate in the Data Mining Hackathon that will be held in conjunction with the Barcamp Dortmund. Collaborate with like-minded hackers! Use the Machine Learning API to build an app that has the intelligence to collect and process user data and make predictions about user behaviour. Answers to commonly-asked hackathon questions can be found on the tips page!
Bot Developer Camp
  18 Nov - 05:00 PM
  San Francisco, United States
Bot Developer Camp is one of the most pure and original hackathons with the freedom to choose any project that relates to chat bots. Chat bots are simple, early forms of artificial intelligence that have grown massively on mobile and desktop messaging platforms in the past year. Create an intelligent bot that relies on a certain pattern to create trust and foster cooperation, hack with a team, and validate your ideas!
Dutch Mobility Hackathon 2017
  17 Nov - 02:00 PM
  Den Haag, Netherlands
  €1.000 per teamlid
You’ll get access to over 20 datasets. Can you translate this data into opportunities? We’re seeking smart and sustainable mobility solutions for everyday challenges including traffic jams, flight delays, location services, road assistance, traffic safety, train outages and route guidance. Join the two-day hackathon and win eternal fame and great prizes (totalling €12.000).
  15 Nov - 08:00 AM
  Sydney, 2000
Asia Pacific techies! If you're based in Sydney, Melbourne, Tokyo or Songdo, then listen up! If you love to develop cool IoT, web, or mobile apps, then sign up to participate in the Cisco Virtual Hackathon Asia-Pacific! This is a 2-month online event, where you'll be challenged to build or integrate Cisco technologies into your app! It doesn't matter what your app does, as long as it is built on Cisco technology!