Sowing results 7 out of 7
[FREE WEBINAR] Women in Tech - Empowering Women in Technology
  15 Dec - 05:30 PM
During this virtual roundtable, you’ll have the chance to come listen to women-leaders in the tech-field and connect live. During this roundtable, we'll look at the dynamic journey of women in technology, notably their experiences through innovation, addressing multiple topics such as; the rise of women in the tech field, the methods used to create team dynamics and business-scaling, and the technological and operational enablements that have played a major role in this rise.
IBM Build-a-Bot Challenge
  15 Dec - 12:00 AM
Join IBM in our second Build-a-Bot Challenge: Automation for the Common Good. Our first challenge earlier this year was a success, and this challenge will be even better with more prizes and swag giveaways! Let's broaden our vision of what RPA can do – especially in collaboration with data sources, artificial intelligence (AI), and other Automation systems, like business rules, document processing and workflow. As a contest participant, you will be provided with access to a free trial of IBM Robotic Process Automation in order to build your solution. The first 50 people to register for the challenge and the IBM RPA Community will receive a free t-shirt, with more opportunities to earn swag throughout the contest. We look forward to receiving your submissions!
FFD Dart and Flutter Student Hackathon
  10 Dec - 10:00 AM
The Dart/Flutter Student Hackathon is aimed at students in CIS/Engineering and other related disciplines. Upon graduation, every student shoudl have a web,mobile, or desktop app in their portfolio to showcase. Using Google's new Flutter/Dart sdk/language, students will have48hoursto build a desktop, mobile, or webapp prototype of their choosing using either Dart or Flutter as a frontend language and either Dart or another language as the Backend for their app.
Re-Imagine Challenge
  04 Oct - 02:11 PM
BeMyApp organise un hackathon en ligne sponsorisé par Microsoft France et EY. L’objectif : développer des applications Low-Code qui ont un impact économique ou sociétal positif grâce à Microsoft Power Platform et l’Intelligence Artificielles. Afin d’être éligibles, les applications devront répondre aux critères d’accessibilité. Les équipes seront récompensées suivant 3 trophées : Trophée Impact Économique : la solution doit adresser une problématique business (productivité, coût, process, vie d’entreprise, etc.) Trophée Impact Sociétal : la solution doit adresser une problématique d'accessibilité numérique, sociétale ou environnementale (inclusion, inégalités, santé, éducation, environnement, etc.) Trophée Innovation Jeunesse : pour les jeunes de 18 à 25 ans et les jeunes startups proposant une solution ayant un impact économique ou sociétal Pour chaque Trophée, une équipe gagnante sera récompensée de 2000€ + des lots surprises à gagner. Le hackathon est ouvert à tous : collaborateurs terrain, spécialistes data/IT/sécurité/…, chefs de projet, experts métier RH/Finance/Marketing/..., UX/UI designers, développeurs, étudiants, startups, etc. Le hackathon se découpe en plusieurs étapes : 4 octobre : Ouverture des inscriptions 4 oct - 19 nov : Hackathon en ligne — les équipes développent leur solution avec les experts 25 novembre : Sélection des projets — top 15 des projets 6 décembre : Workshop d’accélération 6 - 10 décembre : Phase d’accélération —peaufinage de la solution avec les experts 15 décembre : Démo Day — les finalistes pitchent leur solution au jury final
Livestorm Global Hackathon
  02 Sep - 09:20 AM
Livestorm is organizing a global online hackathon on September 2-24 to build Livestorm Plugins and create the future of video engagement with Livestorm SDK. During this 3-week program, participants will be invited to join a platform to access webinars, Livestorm tech assets, and documentation, plus get free support and mentoring before submitting their plugin(s). Web developers with front-end Javascript, Typescript, or Node.JS experience are more likely to fit this challenge, but the hackathon is open to everyone. Participants can join individually or as a team (up to 4 people per team). To submit a plugin, participants will need to join the platform, create a plugin with Livestorm SDK, and test it on Livestorm’s platform. After the submission deadline, the teams of the top 10 plugins will present their solution to the jury on the Demo Day, on September 30.
Formathon 2021
  26 May - 05:00 PM
  Montreal, Canada
  $15,000 Cash Prize Pool
Fintech techies and prtofessionals in and around Montréal! Fintech Cadence invites you to participate in the 3-week-long Formathon 2021—the largest fintech competition in Canada. The Formathon is your chance to work on some of the most important challenges facing the financial technology sector. Pick a challenge, form a team, and participate in the biggest fintech competition in Canada. You will get to participate as a member of a team of from 2 to 5 members and work on one of three important challenges facing the financial technology sector—payments inefficiencies, cybersecurity, and open banking. Collaborate and compete with the other teams to win the $5,000 cash prize provided for each challenge! Go to the hackathon tips page for usefu Formathon eventadvice!
Security for eCommerce Webinar
  19 Jan - 11:00 AM
Now more than ever more businesses are moving online. Why and how should you think about security and fraud especially during this time? Come join us as we discuss the problem, what is often overlooked, the solution for security in eCommerce, and how it doesn’t need to compromise the online shopping experience. Join us for our next session of Developer Center Webinar sessions where we’ll be providing live technical demos, use-cases, and Q&A to learn more about eCommerce security. The webinar is happening on January 19th at 11am ET/8am PT. For more info and to register, visit >>