Sowing results 6 out of 6
API World 2022 Hackathon
  10 Oct - 10:00 AM
  San Jose, United States
  $25,000+ in cash, products, and prizes
Developers and hackers! Are you planning to attend API World? If so, then make sure to sign up for API World 2022 Hackathon — the world’s largest API integration hackathon. You'll be challenged to design and build an innovative new app from scratch! Your app can be a mobile app, a consumer web app, a business web app, or anything you like! So come and compete for your share of over $25,000 in cash, products, and prizes. Advice from our hackathon tips page can improve your API World 2022 experience!
DeveloperWeek Cloud 2022 Hackathon
  22 Aug - 10:00 AM
  Austin, United States
  $25,000+ in Cash, Products, Prizes
Developers, hackers, and other types! If you're planning to attend DeveloperWeek Cloud 2022 — or even if you're not — be sure to sign up for the DeveloperWeek Cloud 2022 Hackathon. At this in-person or virtual event, you will collaborate in a team to build a project from scratch — a mobile app, a consumer web app, a bot, a wearable app of your choice. Compete to showcase your creativity and technical skills and compete for $25,000+ in cash, products, and prizes. Also, be sure to get ready to participate with smart hackathon advice on the tips page!
Hack to the Future
  02 Jul - 09:00 AM
  London, United Kingdom
Junior or mid-level developers and engineers — aged 18+ — in the Greater London Area! If you are interested in using technology as a force, London-based digital product studio Planes invites you to participate in Hack to the Future — a 2-day hackathon, building creative tech solutions around the topics of sustainability and community. Come with a team, or join one at the event! You'll be challenged to use a set of APIs to produce a digital product with positive social or environmental impact that enables: Communities to connect, Humans to be more sustainable, or Industry to cater to a more diverse world. You'll present your project to a panel of judges for the chance to win an awesome prize! Check out the tips page for hackathon best practice info!
Hack my Flat
  24 Jun - 07:00 PM
Rejoignez-nous pour un hackathon en ligne de 48h pour aider la Fondation iad et le mieux-logement. On vous dit tout 👇 Le challenge : 48h pour imaginer et créer des solutions qui répondent aux enjeux du mieux-logement en France. Lutter contre la précarité énergétique, aider à financer ou adapter son logement, faciliter l’insertion par le logement, etc. Choisissez votre cause et défendez-la en créant la meilleure solution lors du hackathon ! Hack my Flat se déroulera en ligne, sur la plateforme WorkAdventure pour une expérience 100% immersive et connectée. Rencontrez les équipes : iad est la première licorne française de l’immobilier en ligne ; venez les rencontrer, une équipe dynamique et des nouveaux projets à foison ! Qui peut participer ? Hack my Flat est un hackathon solidaire ouvert à tous les profils tech ! Pour la réalisation des projets, les profils suivants sont grandement appréciés : web developers, products managers / products owners, UX/UI designers, data engineers / data scientists, cloud engineers et digital marketers. Et les prix ? 1er prix : 4 000€ 2ème prix : 2 000€ 3ème prix : 1 000€ Et on reste solidaires, car chaque équipe gagnante pourra reverser l’équivalent de la somme remportée à une association de son choix ! En bref : Hackathon en ligne les 24-26 juin Créer des solutions pour le mieux logement pour la Fondation iad
#AIHack4Mobility by Deutsche Telekom
  18 Mar - 10:00 AM
"Artificial Intelligence for Diversity Teams" Diversity is a top priority at Deutsche Telekom! Diverse teams consist of different nationalities and cultures, religions, different age groups and genders, people with or without disabilities and different sexual identities. It is precisely this diversity that is important to us since we are convinced that it is different perspectives of diverse people that together produce unique ideas. Furthermore, especially in the responsible development of AI systems, it is important that as many different cultural and social aspects as possible are taken into account in order to enable these systems to make truly fair and prejudice-free decisions. This is why we want to bring together once again this year very different people to work together on new ideas and solutions for future technologies in an AI Hackathon. Be part of it! Diverse teams, diverse ideas!
Mastercard Future Transportation Hack - powered by Siemens
  06 Feb - 09:00 AM
  Dubai, United Arab Emirates
This next-level event is aiming to create the most efficient and environmentally-friendly way to move. Become the startup that develops the first app ever to empower consumers to make sustainable choices regarding their modes of transport with the click of a button. > Move smarter and more sustainably! The solution we are looking for will allow transport users to view their routes, calculate their carbon emissions and make sustainable choices through viewing recommendations of transportation journeys - all in one mobility application. Getting from point A to B should be as eco-friendly as possible: > This is not your average ‘Maps’ application… - Connect different modes of transportation in one app as a connected ecosystem. - Calculate carbon footprint based on the transportation journey. - Educate consumers on what their carbon footprint means and empower them to change towards more sustainable habits. - Enable payments towards different modes of transportation to happen seamlessly in one app. > By taking part in the Future Transportation Hack, you will: - Live a firsthand experience to tackle the greatest challenges of the smart infrastructure industry. - Get great networking opportunities and the possibility to secure a partnership with Siemens and Mastercard. - Get the chance to win an all-inclusive trip to Expo 2020 Dubai! - Benefit from high visibility as you present your solution on a Siemens stage at Expo 2020 Dubai.