Showing results 1 to 10 out of 41
15 Dec - 12:27 PM
Bengaluru, India
Hackference India is an event mounted towards the goal of reaching India's biggest ever Open Source Community event. The community is working to bring out the link and inducing the thinkers and doers to cultivate results and solutions for the community, uniting every member to beget and breed innovation for the dynamic and prolific revolution.
The Deloitte Garage Online Challenges
10 Dec - 08:00 AM
A 2-month online challenge inviting developers, data scientists, marketers, designers, startups and idea generators to team up from December 10, 2018, to February 16, 2019, to develop new smart solutions for The Future of Mobility or Energy.
Each challenge has a prize pool worth 7,500.
The winning team from each industry challenge will receive an all-expenses-paid trip to present their prototype at the grand opening of Deloitte’s new Innovative Center, The Garage, in Amsterdam!
SCIENCE 2025 - Towards Science Communication for SG60
01 Dec - 09:00 AM
Singapore, Singapore
Hacking the Science Centre visitor experience to make it more exciting as we head towards SG60.
Challenge Statements
1 Discover Everyday Science
2 Customization of science visits based on visitor competency
3 Social inclusivity in Science Centre Experience
4 Tracking long-term learning in Science
SCIENCE 2025 - Towards Science Communication for SG60
01 Dec - 09:00 AM
Singapore, Singapore
The aim of Science 2025 hackathon is to challenge the community to co-create solutions to problems around science communication, specifically local problems involved with experiential learning of Science and Technology.
CopenX & BørneRiget Hackathon
30 Nov - 10:12 AM
Flakkebjerg, Denmark
A 42-hour hackathon aiming at developing innovative XR-solutions to change the lives of children and young people with chronic and/or rare diseases.
Two winning teams will be named by a capable jury.
Each winning team will receive 25.000 kr to make a test pilot in collaboration with Rigshospitalet. The goal is to create a solution that can be implemented across the health care system nationally and hopefully internationally as well.
XR+AI Industrial Design Hackathon
24 Nov - 09:00 AM
Pforzheim, Germany
Organized by medialesson and Meyle+Müller in Partnership with Porsche and Microsoft.
Attendees concept, design and code to solve challenges and experiment with new ideas for Industrial Design using XR and AI with the help of mentors. There will also be cars provided by Porsche to test and explore ideas.
Bring your own ideas or join a team hacking on challenges around UX prototyping for automotive systems, exterior and interior design and many more.
Opération Armées du Futur
23 Nov - 06:30 PM
Paris, France
L’Opération les Armées du Futur se déroulera les 23 et 24 novembre à la Cité de la Mode et du Design, à Paris — es-tu prêt pour créer le soldat du futur ? L’ Agence de l’Innovation de Défense n’attend que toi !
Quatre missions sont à relever :
- La maintenance prédictive
- Le combattant du Futur
- La santé
- La mobilité
Les meilleures solutions seront récompensées avec de super prix.
iAMGENIUS: l'esigenza dei pazienti incontra il talento dei creativi!
23 Nov - 03:13 PM
Roma, Italy
una “maratona” dell’innovazione che si svolgerà a Roma il 23 e il 24 novembre 2018: 24 ore per trasformare i suggerimenti dei pazienti in soluzioni digitali innovative.
Guidati da mentor e divisi in team, i giovani creativi si metteranno al lavoro dopo aver ricevuto indicazioni su obiettivi e requisiti delle soluzioni da presentare.
Al termine del contest, la giuria premierà le due innovazioni che più di tutte potranno fare la differenza per i pazienti.
Smart Warehouse
08 Nov - 11:54 AM
Saint-Denis, France
1 hackathon, 2 challenges : rendre l’entrepôt visuel grâce à la visualisation 2D/3D ou rendre l’entrepôt intelligent grâce aux données. À la clé de chaque challenge : 20.000€ et un premier contrat avec GEODIS !
Human2Sport : Les expériences spectateurs de demain
05 Nov - 09:00 AM
Saint-Denis, France
Coders, graphic designers, editors, designers, content experts, makers ... professionals and students! You're invited to participate in the first Human2Sport Hackathon. You'll have 2 ½ days to create a prototype on the theme "New spectator experiences: Sport & Territory". Your project will be expected to renew the spectator's entire sporting event experience -- from ticket purchase to sharing of post-event highlights.