Showing results 31 to 40 out of 41
Creating a platform for cultural activities in Bergen
28 May - 10:07 PM
Bergen, Norway
Exciting 30 hours hackathon to spark new ideas and come up with solutions and concepts for a platform that will not only enable greater access to all cultural events in the Bergen region for its citizens and visitors, but also be open for sharing, posting, and commenting on the content.
We are excited to invite all enthusiasts from IT & digital, business, creative, art background to join forces, go out of the comfort zone and be part of creating the solution for the digital platform.
2018 Opioid Hackathon
18 May - 01:46 PM
Boston, United States
Topics of discussion at the 2018 Startup Weekend:
1. Diversion: How are the medications disappearing from the hospital to the home?
2. Nurses on the Front Line: Moderator:
3. Policy: Moderator: Is it a Crime or is it a Disease?
4. Stigma of Opioid Addiction
BNCC Hackathon
12 May - 09:53 PM
South Jakarta, Indonesia
BNCC Hackathon is a 24-hour coding competition that aims to build an innovative solution from given case from BNCC Committee.BNCC Hackathon is within series of BNCC Techno Career that aims as a platform for recruitment of great developers to top IT Company and Startup in Indonesia starting event of Hackathon into Job Expo (Main Event).
Startup Weekend Shanghai: University Edition 创业周末- 大学版
11 May - 05:17 PM
Shanghai, China
🌳 Startup Weekends are 54-hour events designed to provide superior experiential education for technical and non-technical entrepreneurs. Beginning with Friday night pitches and continuing through brainstorming, business plan development, and basic prototype creation, Startup Weekends culminate in Sunday night demos and presentations.
14 Apr - 09:00 AM
Gdańsk, Poland
10k PLN
BeHealthy Hackathon is to motivate to create applications that support a healthy lifestyle.
Main price: 10 000 PLN.
Second price: 2 000 PLN
When: 14.04.2018 9:00 AM - 15.04.2018 7:00 PM
13 Apr - 08:00 AM
Liverpool, United Kingdom
Two tickets to Saturday at the Grand National
Monterosa, world leading fan engagement company, is hosting FanHack with support from both ITV and The Jockey Club.
You will be teamed up and tasked with using data, video, and maybe even Augmented Reality to find ways of entertaining and engaging fans. You will be able to let your imagination run wild, with a day and the advice of some of our key players at your disposal.
DigitalGlobe Earth Observation Challenge
10 Apr - 04:46 PM
Spend two-months building solutions with DigitalGlobe’s resources and ESA’s APIs, to immediately support disaster relief. You’ll be challenged to transform earth imagery into meaningful context and actionable insights for business growth, global development, and geospatial intelligence with GBDX Notebooks.
Unlock over one-hundred petabytes of multispectral and high-resolution imagery by deep diving through 17 years of global images to solve our earth’s most critical problems.
03 Mar - 12:00 AM
Chennai, India
TEXUS Hackathon is a 24 hour event that will see participants going on a journey that started as a small budding idea and will end as a Minimum Viable Product that is good enough to turn heads.The theme for the Hackathon is to empower participants with the power to solve day to day problems pertaining to any field from education to transportation with the help of technology.
Coding All star - Winter season
15 Feb - 05:00 PM
Paris-1ER-Arrondissement, France
Coding challenge between three teams representing each a coding language: the Python Wizards - the Javascript Ninjas - the Java Cyborgs!
Corps à corps : Hackathon Danse et VR
03 Feb - 10:00 AM
Paris, France
Cinq équipes de danseurs, chorégraphes, réalisateurs et concepteurs ont 24 heures pour concevoir un projet de réalité virtuelle plaçant le corps au coeur de l'immersion.