Showing results 1 to 10 out of 49
Hack Off v2.0
14 Dec - 12:16 AM
Vellore, India
HackOff v2.0 is now aMajor League Hackingcertified international hack-a-thon and one of the first hacks to be organized in MLH 2020 Season in the Asia Pacific region while being the first and biggest in South India. The Hackathon awaits your presence. The world is going digital, so are we. In this digital world, code is the dominant language, and communities are built around it, making countless revolutions and breaking barriers. Everything in this world is coded, and cracking this code is a delight in disguise. When you thought everything has come to a close, we bring you the inception. We present to you, Hack Off a one of a kind hack, where your innovation defines you. It shows how you wish your world to be today and where you see it in the future. A 24-hour long hackathon, Hack Off is inviting young minds from all across the nation to come together to put up the most magnificent show the digital realm has ever seen.
13 Dec - 04:00 PM
Ansbach, Germany
MEDIA LAB ANSBACH HACKATHON New Tech in Media Ihr interessiert euch für Design, seid angehende oder fertig abgeschlossene Developer, Journalisten oder Medien-Enthusiasten? Dann seid ihr gefragt! Vom13. - 15. Dezemberfindet der erste Media Lab Ansbach Hackathon statt. In 48 Stunden könnt ihr eine von 4 Challenges bearbeiten. Zu gewinnen gibt es Preise im Gesamtwert von über 1.000€.
International hackathon "Digital age"
10 Dec - 11:44 AM
Mexico City, Mexico
The hackathon is aimed at using: neurotechnologies and artificial intelligence, virtual and augmented reality technologies, big data, wireless communication technologies, robotics and sensor components in four areas: state and society, marketing and advertising, media and entertainment, education and human resources.
Women in MR, AI & Ethics Hackathon
06 Dec - 05:00 PM
San Francisco, United States
Women developers, designers, and ideas people in and around San Francisco! If you're passionate about the ethical use of mixed reality and AI, then register to participate in the Women in MR, AI & Ethics Hackathon. At this 48-hour weekend hackathon, you'll collaborate with like-minded individuals to come up with great ideas and create amazing experiences using Microsoft technologies (Sensing, AI, Speech, Vision, and MR)! The overall theme of the hackathon will be to create ethical experiences that help society including people with disabilities, Education (children or faculty), Medical, Workplace or Social work. You'll get to present your project to a panel of experts who will judge it based on its technical excellence, uniqueness of experience, the usefulness of experience, and the use of Microsoft technologies.
Digital Camp - Nov 2019
23 Nov - 09:00 AM
London, United Kingdom
Techie teens and aspiring techies in the UK! You are invited to sign up for Digital Camp - November 2019. At the Digital Camp, you'll build your skills -- from augmented and virtual reality to mobile apps, games, robotics, artificial intelligence, and 5G. Take part in hands-on workshops and then participate in a Connect for Good - Ideas Hackathon & Project. You'll be challenged to design a connected product or service to help people, the planet, and communities. As part of a team, you will work to understand user needs, build a product proposition, plan its launch, and then pitch your project to a jury. Prizes will be awarded to winning projects. For answers to your questions, check out the expert hackathon tips page!
22 Nov - 06:00 PM
Marche-en-Famenne, Belgium
Form your multidisciplinary teams from 3 to 6 participants (freelances welcome) and mix your skills (developers, graphic designers, gamers, ...)! Whether in development, gaming, graphics, communication or the field of education, coaches will be present to lead you to victory! Drinks, meals, snacks and drinks included! Take advantage of our dedicated spaces: rest area (annex room), showers and toilets.
#HackathonPune 2019 organized by e-Zest and Fresco Capital
16 Nov - 09:00 AM
Pune, India
After 3 successful years of #HackathonPune, we are back this year with the #HackathonPune 2019, this time all the more intense and exciting than ever before. The theme of the event this year is 'AI for Social Good' - in Healthcare, Education, Environment, Agriculture and Government. AI has been an inherent part of all technology discussions and is now playing an integral role in the technologies of the future. The Role of AI will be fundamental in transforming lives in the future specifically in the sectors of Healthcare, Education and the Government. Here is an opportunity for you to contribute through your game-changing inventions and make a difference.
Hack Mobile
15 Nov - 06:00 PM
Calgary, Canada
Hack Mobile will bring students and community members together for the purpose of creative collaboration. Participants will come together for over 30 hours, solving problems from the ground up using their diverse backgrounds and ingenuity.
Baltic Sea Digital Event
01 Nov - 11:19 AM
Riga, Latvia
In November 2019 an international business hackathon is going to be held in Rigadedicated to development of perspective solutions in leading digital economy solutions. Event organizer: Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University). The Hackathon partners: Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (Russia), IBS Company (Russia), Qube company (Sweden), CANEA Company (Sweden), Stockholm School of Economics, Russian Electronic Money Association (Russia) As basic digital technologies for solutions development will be used: Disturbed Registry Systems, Big Data, new production technologies (including financial technologies), wireless connection technologies, Industrial Internet, technologies of virtual and augmented reality. The Baltic Sea Digital Event winners are guaranteed to get a short-term trading in MIPT and an interтship in one of the Russian companies with compensations of all costs. The Baltic Sea Digital Event will consist of two parts: Online Qualifying Stage - from November 1 to November 14, 2019; Face-to-face Stage - November 15 and 16, 2019 (Riga) The Baltic Sea Digital Event registration link:
hubraum CloudXR Hackathon
18 Oct - 05:45 PM
Berlin, Germany
The hubraum Cloud XR Hackathon will take place this September 13-15 at hubraum in Berlin. Invited to join are developers, UX/UI designers, data scientists and software architects who are eager to build interesting AR/MR/VR apps using the cloud. The challenge will be to come up with creative ideas, using the soft- and hardware provided by the hackathon tech partners. The overall prize pool will be 10.000€ in cash, plus additional gadget prizes sponsored by the partners. AGENDA TBC