Showing results 31 to 39 out of 39
CodinGuru 2.0 Hackathon
15 Feb - 11:42 PM
Lahore, Pakistan
30,000 PKR
In line with Facebook Developer Circle: Lahore's mission to empower technology and entrepreneurship, we’re bringing to you an opportunity to showcase your dev skills and bring your idea to life in a hackathon! This is brought to you in collaboration with IEEE LUMS as a part of their CodinGuru 2.0 series of events. Over the course of 24 hours, teams will work to develop highly innovative prototypes for web, mobile and desktop applications. Submissions for other platforms like AR/VR and wearables are accepted too. The submission should be relevant to any of the pre-disclosed theme areas, which will be announced before the hackathon begins. The focus here is firmly on fun, exchanging knowledge, the unique atmosphere and opportunities for mutual learning and inspiration. Sure, you’ll be hacking for 24 hours. But there will be snack breaks as well as a highly anticipated “social night” comprised of food-street and a dancefloor to help you recharge. For complete rules and registration, please visit:
HackBMU 2020
15 Feb - 02:19 PM
Gurugram, India
HackBMU is a hackathon focused on promoting innovation, diversity and networking among all future hackers. We will be hosting upcoming engineers and developers from all over India to create mobile, web, and hardware hacks for an intense 24-hour session. HackBMU seeks to provide a welcoming and supportive environment to all participants to develop their skills, regardless of their background. Last year and the year before, HackBMU garnered huge attention with 20+ teams from around the country. Also, we aimed to close the gender gap in hackathon participation and encouraged female participants to join up by reserving seats especially for them. The response was overwhelming, and a huge amount of the participants were women. Now, for the third consecutive year, we are aiming for new and greater heights and to interact with more people and making it a memorable and enjoyable event.
Rising Waters - FEMA Hackathon for Flood Risk & Insurance
06 Feb - 08:30 AM
Philadelphia, United States
Insurance is the #1 way to recover from disaster. As we see increased flooding along our shores and inland, it is more important than ever before to get through to people and help them BEFORE disaster strikes. We are looking for fresh takes on how to convince people (especially in coastal areas) to get flood insurance, using things like games, video, photos, social media strategy, and other marketing tools. Join us for a full day creative intensive, where you can work with others in your field alongside floodplain managers, emergency professionals, and professional communicators to get things done and have fun in the process! All skill levels and backgrounds are welcome,you don’t need to be a coder to participate in this Hackathon! Just bring a laptop! FAQs What's in it for me? Snacks, lunch, bragging rights and admiration! Winners chosen at the end will recieve formal recognition. What can I expect at the event? Participants are going to get the problem statement, hear some background and context on flood insurance and flood risk from subject matter experts, form groups based on skillsets, and create products to solve the issue. Each group will be able to call on subject matter experts or a facilitator at any point. In the evening, groups will present their products, talk about distribution, and winners will be chosen.
El Paso Strong Hackathon
31 Jan - 05:00 PM
El Paso, United States
Join us on this 3-day hackathon focused on building a safer and stronger El Paso. Get inspired, imagine a better future, and contribute ideasto collectively “hack against hate." in the El Paso region. All community members and students who are at least 18 years of agefrom any college/university of different technical and professional backgrounds are welcome to apply! Come share your creativity, innovation ideas, and join a team tobuild a product or software concept for a greater good. The event will be held at The El Paso Community Foundation and costs absolutely nothing to attend.Plan to come tothe El Paso Community Foundation in the evening Friday January 31st and depart afternoon on Sunday February 2nd (full schedule can be found on the website). Bring your student ID/government ID, computer, any external peripherals you may need (chargers, monitors, etc.), any other hardware that you definitely plan on using, and an open mind. If you plan on sleeping at the event, don't forget to bring a sleeping bag, toiletries (toothbrush, toothpaste, deodorant, etc...), and personal items to the event! Come socialize, collaborate and compete for cash prizes! Food will be provided.
MegaHack 2020
29 Jan - 10:00 AM
We are St. John College of Engineering and Management’s first-ever Hackathon organized by students, for students. With this Hackathon, SJCEM strives to promote technical innovation and highlight students’ skills and abilities. We aim to bring out the best and brightest students, not just from SJCEM but from other universities all over India. The event is an opportunity for hackers to exchange their ideas, gain extra knowledge and to make good relations for future collaborations. We wholeheartedly invite all the technophiles to this exciting Hackathon… Date: 29th January 2020 Duration: 24 Hours Domain: Healthcare Education Women and Child Safety Agriculture Rural Development Climate Change Miscellaneous
25 Jan - 05:00 PM
Mangalore, India
HackVerse serves as a platform to encourage enthusiastic minds to brainstorm on solutions for challenging issues from all over India. The unified motive of gathering all like-minded hackers to our alma mater is what led to the creation of the idea in NITK Surathkal, the first of its kind. We’ll provide a platform for innovations, where developers can test and showcase their potential to the best of their abilities. We also plan to have keynote talks and/or workshops for the hackathon participants from executives in the industry.
25 Jan - 09:00 AM
Fornovo di Taro, Italy
€100 voucher per winning team member
Hackers in and around the province of Parma! Analysts, coders, designers, makers, professionals, and students! You're invited to participate in Hackafork -- Italy's first hackathon dedicated to food, nutrition, and food automation. On your own, or as a member of a team of up to 5 people, you'll be challenged to design, prototype, and pitch a project on the theme of the food chain from production to logistics, from sales to catering. Your project -- a combination of both hardware and software components --must bring improvements to the food sector (production, logistics, food, catering, etc.). You'll present your solution to a jury that will judge it on originality, functionality, and execution. Each member of the winning team will be awarded a € 100.00 voucher.
Vive Developer Jam
24 Jan - 06:30 PM
London, United Kingdom
Vive Tshirts+Stickers
Join us for the upcoming HTC Vive Developer Jam in London, a weekend developer event to experiment and create the next generation of XR applications. Using the latest in VIVE hardware, including forward-thinking SDKs like Eye/Lip and Hand tracking, we challenge you to redefine how people interpret and interact with Virtual Reality. Whether you want to build a game, art experiment or enterprise prototype, we'll have all the workshops, mentors and space you need to do something extraordinary. Bringing together a mixture of software developers, designers, researchers and specialists to create the newest XR prototypes the Vive Developer Jam is one of the latest developer-focused initiatives from Vive. Please note that this is an expression of interest and those who apply for tickets will be notified if their application has been successful. You must be able to attend both days to take part in the jam. If you have any questions please send us an email at or check the frequently asked questions below: EVENT FAQ
Vive Hackathon, London
24 Jan - 06:30 PM
London, United Kingdom
XR enthusiasts -- developers, designers, researchers, and specialists in the UK! You're invited to apply to participate in the weekend-long the VIVE Developer Jam - London. If your application is accepted, you'll get to collaborate with like-minded techies to experiment and create the next generation of XR applications. Come as part of a team, or join one at the event. You'll be challenged to use VIVE hardware, including SDKs like eye/lip and hand tracking to create an innovative virtual reality project -- a game, art experiment or enterprise prototype -- that redefines how people interpret and interact with VR.