Sowing results 6 out of 6
AT&T Mobile App Hackathon (Smart City) - Bay Area
04 Dec - 06:00 PM
Berkeley, United States
Join us for a special Smart City Mobile App Hackathon, produced by the AT&T Developer Program. Hangout with us as we hack and build apps/mobile apps, get fed, compete for prizes across different categories and most importantly: meet new people and scout for teammates to work on new or current projects. We will have experts from AT&T and the local community onsite to assist with your development.
IMCreate 2015 - The Showcase
02 Dec - 06:30 PM
London, United Kingdom
On this evening, IMCreate will showcase the top three solutions developed through the IMCreate 2015 hackathon weekend of 14 and 15 November 2015 and announce the final winner! The teams will pitch their prototype Intelligent Mobility solutions in front of the judges, and an audience of transport and technology leaders!
Hackathon COP21
01 Dec - 12:00 AM
Paris, France
COP21 hackathon is powered by and organized by the community People & Digital and Orange. Come and help companies make the best decisions to improve our environment and climate while maintaining economic growth.
Entrance is free and anyone is welcome to participate. Just bring your computer, some food and good spirit!
If you are not in Paris, don't worry, you can still take part from a distance! Simply click "I will join you remote" when registering and we will send you a link to the video meeting.
Test Flo
26 Oct - 12:00 AM
Tel Aviv-Yafo, Israel
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse fermentum ut ipsum eu porta. Nam pretium viverra tristique. Nullam eu dictum nulla. Integer non elementum sem. Aliquam pulvinar pellentesque libero, ac tempor libero iaculis a. Aliquam vestibulum turpis vitae venenatis bibendum. Duis sed mi fringilla, mattis sem vel, dictum est. Suspendisse laoreet mi in augue luctus gravida. Vivamus nunc neque, accumsan ac lacus et turpis duis.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse fermentum ut ipsum eu porta. Nam pretium viverra tristique. Nullam eu dictum nulla. Integer non elementum sem. Aliquam pulvinar pellentesque libero, ac tempor libero iaculis a. Aliquam vestibulum turpis vitae venenatis bibendum. Duis sed mi fringilla, mattis sem vel, dictum est. Suspendisse laoreet mi in augue luctus gravida. Vivamus nunc neque, accumsan ac lacus et turpis duis.
AEC Hackathon 2.6 - New York
23 Oct - 06:30 PM
New York, United States
Techie developers, UI/UX designers, civil engineers, built environment professionals, students in and around the Big Apple! If you're involved in the Architecture, Engineering, Construction (AEC) field, then you're invited to participate in AEC Hackathon 2.6 - New York! At this weekend-long event, you will be challenged to create cutting-edge approaches to the design, construction, and maintenance of the built environment.
Visit the hackathon tips page, for the best advice on how to participate in AEC Hackathon 2.6 - New York!
Hackathon Women Innovation
12 Oct - 08:30 AM
Paris, France
Travailler à la juste place des femmes dans la société et l’entreprise d’aujourd’hui, promouvoir la mixité en utilisant les technologies du numérique, ça vous dit ?
Porteur d’idées, designer, développeur, sociologue, juriste…homme ou femme :
Rejoignez nous – innovons ensemble !
En amont du Women’s Forum 2015, cette rencontre est organisée en partenariat avec de nombreux réseaux féminins et avec le soutien d’entreprises et institutionnels. Pendant ces deux jours nous réunirons nos compétences au service d’une société plus équitable et inclusive. Nous utiliserons les technologies numériques d’aujourd’hui pour imaginer et réaliser des solutions concrètes : applications mobiles, réseaux sociaux, objets connectés… qui, demain, favoriseront l’équilibre entre les femmes et les hommes dans leur vie quotidienne, professionnelle ou personnelle.
Pour en savoir plus ou déposer une idée, un projet :