Showing results 101 to 110 out of 214
21 Jun - 08:00 AM
Esino Lario, Italy
Wikimania is an annual gathering that celebrates Wikipedia and its sister projects for free knowledge with lectures, discussions, meetings, workshops and hackathons. Hundreds of volunteer contributors come together to learn and discuss projects and their potentials.
UrbanFoodTech Hackathon
18 Jun - 08:00 AM
Atlanta, United States
Techies and urban farming nuts! Come and collaborate in an innovation event targeting new opportunities around urban food systems -- with the goal of creating projects that will directly benefit urban farmers and the urban food system in Atlanta, GA. The UrbanFoodTech Hackathon is targeting innovation in these technical areas:
--> Mobile: Designing new mobile interfaces that simplify tasks, present data, consume APIs, and facilitate communication for urban farming practioners, their customers and community easily using standards compliant HTML, CSS, Javascript and UI/UX principles and tools such as Bootstrap, Angular, and React, etc.
--> Data: Communicate complex information clearly and efficiently to the urban farming practitioner, their customers and community, helping them analyze and reason about data using open source tools such as D3, SVG, Open Street Map, GeoJSON, TopoJSON, R, etc
--> APIs: Creation and Utilization of new and existing RESTful web application programming interfaces that create value for the urban farming practitioner, their customers and community utilizing professional practices and API development tools like Swagger, Kong, Apiary, and Postman.
--> Hardware: Creating open source hardware solutions, utilizing micro controllers,the internet of things (IoT), sensors, and drones, that collect data, exchange information, automate urban farming operations, and inform the urban farming practitioner, their customers and community in real time.
Unlock Supply Chain
17 Jun - 07:00 PM
Paris, France
Louis Vuitton invites students and graduates interested in the challenge of managing a supply chain in real time. Come and create innovative approaches that will help this luxury brand leader develop its future supply chain.
DB Open Data Tech Hackday
17 Jun - 05:00 PM
Berlin, Germany
Hackers! If you have an idea how to make rail travel easier, better, more comfortable with digital applications, then sign up for DB Open Data Tech Hackday? You'll have access to some cool resources, including relayr Android app proto IoT, the Deutsche Bahn's open data portal, the OpenStreetMapper API and much more. Compete in a team and combine sensors and software and take your idea from concept to prototype--all in one day. There will be a range of prizes for winning prototypes. Win prizes for apps using data from the DB APIs, and for apps that use your mobile phone as a sensor kit to connect with Deutsche Bahn's train station clock.
DiHack - 36h sprint Hackathon on Text Mining &NLP
17 Jun - 12:00 PM
Brussels, Belgium
Data hackers! Come and participate in the Euroclear Text Mining Hackathon. The aim will be to identify key fields in unstructured financial legal documentation—unlocking access to data in thousands of legal documents available through the Euroclear platform.
Rowland Hall Hackathon #rhhackathon
15 Jun - 09:00 AM
Salt Lake City, United States
This is a hackathon for teachers to learn and explore with technology, as well as network with other educators, makers, and industry representatives. You will explore computer science by designing and creating tech projects and discuss issues surrounding making and computer science, including curriculum design, software and equipment. The first day of the conference we will offer a guided exploration of several current topics in tech education, including coding, robotics, making, Arduinos, Raspberry Pis, MakeyMakeys, 3D printing, app development, wearable electronics, circuits, soldering, and basic woodworking. The second day of the conference we will put what you have learned into design and construct a tech project of your choosing. We will also have experts on hand to help you through the process!
Beacons Hackathon
11 Jun - 10:00 AM
Wien, Austria
Interested in beacon technology and indoor navigation? Particpate in a 33 hour hack and work on challenges with smart beacons dev kits provided by Use ibeacons to unlock indoor location intelligence. Support travelers to find the shortest routes. Improve queue management. Keep track of traffic flows and locate incidents quickly. Target mobile ads and notifications. Get insights into customer behavior and feed them back into CRM. The possibilities are endless.
Hack the Local: free hackathon to explore local news and information
11 Jun - 09:30 AM
Cardiff, United Kingdom
Come participate in Hack the Local! Collaborate with community and mainstream journalists, journalism students, tech start ups and software developers to build new apps and platforms based around local news challenges. Teams will compete for prizes while being provided expert guidance in open data and community journalism.
Open Source Circular Economy Days Maastricht - Hackathon
11 Jun - 09:00 AM
Maastricht, Netherlands
Come attend OSCE Days 2016 Maastricht--a global hackathon-style event and community to create open resources and possibilities for a global shift towards a waste-free, sustainable and an environmentally friendly Circular Economy. People from industry, grassroots, maker & hacker movements, students, etc. will work together on all kinds of challenges discussing, developing and experimenting with the Open Source Circular Economy (OSCE).
BOQ Hackathon 2016
10 Jun - 06:00 PM
Newstead, Australia
Entrepreneurs, Tech Leaders! Get your FinTech idea off the ground with support from Bank of Queensland. You don't have to be a programmer. The most important part for this Hackathon is the idea generation, validation and customer development.
Anyone is welcome to pitch an idea for new technology-based banking solutions to improve customer benefits and experiences. The solutions may fit into one of the following core problem tracks: (1) Big Data for Small Business: how can small businesses leverage big data; (2) Customer Experience: how can we assure that customer data is accurate, complete, whilst ensuring the best customer experience possible; and (3) Creative Genius: innovative ideas to consumer and business banking customers, streamline internal processes, administrative procedures and risk assessments, or improve productivity for the Bank.