Showing results 31 to 40 out of 214
Hackathon: Stadsdeel 2.0
08 Oct - 10:00 AM
Utrecht, Netherlands
Developers, designers, students, professionals, hackers and city dwellers of Utrecht are all invited by the city of Utrecht and Sustainable Week to come and participate in their 2 day Hackathon! The event will be focused on sustainability in the new city of Utrecht, and you may participate with a team of your choosing or join a team the day of the event. Once projects have been completed and presented, prizes will be awarded to the winning team by a professional jury.
ITS 2016 Mastercard Smart City Hackathon
08 Oct - 09:00 AM
Melbourne, Australia
Interested in solutions for Smart Cities? Sign up for an ITS Mastercard Smart City challenge, using Mastercard & Partner APIs: »Green Challenge: Build an intelligent transportation solution to facilitate or encourage the use of sustainable, eco-friendly methods of transport & payments for residents, commuters, tourists, or transportation of goods. »Demand Management Challenge: Build an intelligent transportation solution that can help cities like Melbourne manage demand for transport services for passenger and freight. »Future City Challenge: Build an intelligent transportation solution that can help cities like Melbourne make better use of the wealth of data available.
Hackathon - Puerto Rico Cuenta
08 Oct - 08:00 AM
San Juan, Puerto Rico
Civic hackers—technologists, community leaders and advocates! Come and explore the use of data to address social and economic issues on Puerto Rico. Collaborate with like-minded individuals to create digital tools that will improve the economy and the lives of the people of Puerto Rico.
Meet Watson - the platform for cognitive business // IBM Hackathon Berlin
07 Oct - 06:00 PM
Berlin, Germany
Interested in AI? Come to Meet IBM Watson—the platform for cognitive business // IBM Hackathon Berlin. IBM Watson was designed to analyse, evaluate and interpret enormous amounts of unstructured data within split seconds, based on natural language. Watson approaches human cognitive abilities and has enormous potential for future applications in industry and society. The following challenge awaits you: The weather has a huge impact each day of our lives. Be it in our choice of clothing, or how we get to workit can even impact our purchasing behaviors. At the IBM Hackathon, you'll have the opportuinty to deep dive into a a mass of real world weather data and to create something amazing and cognitive.
Meet Watson - the platform for cognitive business // IBM Hackathon Hamburg
07 Oct - 06:00 PM
Hamburg, Germany
Interested in AI? Come to Meet IBM Watson—the platform for cognitive business // IBM Hackathon Berlin. IBM Watson was designed to analyse, evaluate and interpret enormous amounts of unstructured data within split seconds, based on natural language. Watson approaches human cognitive abilities and has enormous potential for future applications in industry and society. The following challenges await you: »Child and Adolescent Psychiatry: How can children and young people who live far away from a clinic receive care in new ways? »Health District of the future: What is the district of the future? Using real-world data from Hamburg project what the future could look like in health.
IBM Blockchain NYC Hackathon
07 Oct - 05:30 PM
New York, United States
All blockchain developers and fintech enthusiasts from New York Metropoliatn area enterprises and startups! Come and participate in the IBM Blockchain NYC Hackathon. You'll have access to a cutting-edge blockchain development environment and access to the crucial tools necessary to build real enterprise-class cloud applications!
Hack Integration
07 Oct - 04:30 PM
Copenhagen, Denmark
Are you eager to improve integration in Denmark? Curious about the opportunities of open data? Activists, designers, programmers, start-ups and curious citizens are invited to participate in Hack Integration! Collaborate with like-minded enthusiasts to identify ways to use open data to create viable and sustainable solutions to ease the arrival of migrants and refugees in Denmark.
WorldSEP Hackathon/Ideathon
07 Oct - 04:00 PM
Eyüp, Turkey
Particpatants of the WorldSEP Ideathon will work with mentors over the course of two days to create an application relating to creating sustainable environments, communities, energy, and transportation.
Hacking Global Health London
07 Oct - 09:00 AM
London, United Kingdom
Data scientists, engineers, and developers in and around London! Come participate in the Hacking Global Health Hackathon. Come and collaborate on innovative ways to develop predictive personalized public health models to can help identify the right therapeutic/prevention interventions, in the right dosage, for the right child, at the right time, to get the right response and avoid the adverse outcomes in child- or adulthood.
Hackathon des Journées de la culture - Édition Québec
30 Sep - 07:00 PM
Ville de Québec, Canada
Do you have basic knowledge in design, programming, data architecture, marketing, or communications, etc.? Interested in making culture accessible to everyone? Come participate at the 3-day Hackathon @ Cultural Days! Collaborate to build a prototype mobile application, website, video game or digital product that helps make culture accessible to all! You will have access to more than 700 datasets available on Quebec, its towns and cities and cultural establishments. You will also have access to Social Media (Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, Google, etc.), OpenStreet, Google Maps, various APIs, etc.