Showing results 41 to 50 out of 214
Hacking Health Milano 2016 / Tavoli Tematici
27 Sep - 09:00 AM
Milano, Italy
Doctors, designers, developers, researchers, students, health professionals, patients... Come to the Hacking Health hackathon and help rethink the world of health and care. Collaborate to build innovative apps and projects to address one of the following areas:
»Rethinking Care
»Rethinking patients
»Rethinking systems
Hackathon GE Healthcare & Optum - Hospital Innovation Show
27 Sep - 08:00 AM
São Paulo, Brazil
Healthcare developers, professionals and entrepreneurs! Participate in the Hack4Health Hackathon and help address major challenges for the health system in Brazil. This year sponsors GE Healthcare and Optum will present you with two Big Data & Healthcare Analytics challenges. You must come up with creative solutions for integrating data and extracting intelligence that can help improve overall Public Health. You may choose from the following challenges:
»GE Challenge: In mining structured and unstructured healthcare data, how do you interpret signs and symptoms and turn them into well-founded budgets and projects that promote overall public health?
»Optum Challenge: How best can you combine disparate patient medical histories and databases that exist in Brazil to help improve the quality of patient care?
Impact Aloud 2016
26 Sep - 09:30 AM
Wimbledon, United Kingdom
Data geeks! Participate at Impact Aloud 2016 -- Superhighways' third annual event to celebrate the power of digital to transform the way charities and community organisations can collect and measure data and share their incredible stories of change. Attend masterclasses that give you the latest tips and advice on apps, devices and online tools that don't cost the earth but can help you share your stories with the world.
Hackathon 2016 powered by AT&T
24 Sep - 11:00 AM
Fargo, United States
For intermediate hackers and beyond, join a team or compete solo for prizes at the AT&T sponsored Hackathon 2016! This 24 hour hackathon will be focused on creating a visual representation of data sets provided on a theme that will be announced prior to the event.
Open Data Dive
24 Sep - 10:00 AM
Manchester, United Kingdom
Coders, data enthusiasts, graphic designers, project managers! Come along to the Open Data Dive and hunt down, crunch and beautify open social and economic data. Compete for prizes for the best projects, the most innovative project, the most useful project, the most fun project – and many more!
Blockchain Hackathon Sponsored by moovel
23 Sep - 07:00 PM
Austin, United States
Interested in the power of Blockchain? Whether you're a developer, designer, entrepreneur, student or just passionate about new technology, come and participate in Capital Factory's Blockchain Hackathon. Blockchain technology is enabling mobility and financial services for new, disruptive possibilities. These new technologies will run the future businesses and change the landscape of exchange. Blockchain is going to change the way people write contracts, manage documents, create files, and secure payment. Choose your topic from those below or bring your own!
»Usage of smart contracts to run rental and mobility services
»Optimization of ID & user management using blockchain
»Secure authentication of customers or documents (e.g. driving licenses, vehicles, signatures)
»Secure payment transactions for mobility services
»Bundling of services and creation of one customer file
Carrefour Data Hack
23 Sep - 07:00 PM
Paris, France
Developers, designers, makers, data scientists, or marketers! Participate in the Carrefour Data Hack to prototype Microsoft Azure apps that enhance customer experience and forecast future business trends. Using Microsoft Azure cloud and actual customer data cross-indexed with other data sources (geolocation, weather, social networks, etc.) you'll be able to create a service that improves the customer experience. Alternatively you can tap into social networks, blogs, forums and news sites and build algorithms to detect consumer trends -- anticipate shortages, predict success, etc.
AI robot & data Hackathon
23 Sep - 06:00 PM
50603, Malaysia
AI and Big Data techies in Malaysia! Come and participate in the AI Robot & Data Hackathon. Collaborate to show how you can apply artificial intelligence and data science to tackle real business problems. Choose one of the following tracks:
»Ideation: Using Artificial Intelligence, Pepper, advance one of the five industries in Malaysia—Fin-tech, Edu-tech, HealthCare, Auto, or Real Estate.
»Development: Develop an app for Pepper using Pepper development software, Chronograph or Python, C++ and Java.
»Data solution: Solve a real business issue using actual datasets from two of Malaysia's startups.
New Date - Geocent Hackathon 2016: Defending the Homeland
23 Sep - 06:00 PM
McLean, United States
Defend the Homeland! Your task for this challenge will be to develop an app that helps to safeguard the American people, homeland, and values from all threats. The following are some of the specific interests of the Department of Homeland Security:
* Ensure Resilience to Disasters
* Prevent Terrorism and Enhance Security
* Safeguard and Secure Cyberspace
* Secure and Manage Our Borders
Hacks4Health Hackathon
23 Sep - 05:00 PM
Westlake Village, United States
Passionate about the health of the people of America? Want to help address issues such as lack of good nutrition, limited access to pre-natal care and childhood poverty? Come and participate in Hacks for Health. Collaborate and apply your software skills to create solutions to a particular issue in health and nutrition. The Hacks for Health topics this year are Poverty and Hunger, Food Deserts, and Maternal/Infant Health.