Showing results 21 to 30 out of 43
Energy Hack NL
25 May - 05:00 PM
's-Hertogenbosch, Netherlands
Developers, data scientists, energy experts, designers, marketers, or Innovators? Are you interested in hacking the energy neutral city of the future? You're invited to participate in the Energy Hack NL 48-hour hackathon. Register as a team, or join one at the event! You'll have access to relevant datasets and APIs for the city of Eindhoven. You will face your choice of one of three Smart Energy challenges: Flexible Energy, Sustainable Area Development, or Sustainable Mobility. In addition to the energy technologies, you may use whatever technology you choose -- such as data science, Internet of Things, or blockchain! So come and collaborate and compete for your share of a €7000 prize pool.
Data Division HACKATHON!!!
24 May - 10:00 AM
London, United Kingdom
Data techies! Are you interested in data-driven decision making? If so, then UK fashion retailer ASOS invites you to participate in their Data Division Hackathon. You'll be challenged to find innovative ways to use data-driven decision making to improve end-to-end experience for ASOS customers, or establish the best time to target customers with marketing campaigns, or find a data-driven way to find the next ASOS Advocate? It's up to you -- with access to data, what opportunities will you discover?
Royal Mail Data Science Hackathon
24 May - 08:30 AM
London, United Kingdom
Data scientists in the UK! If you're interested in helping the charity "Missing People", Royal Mail invites you to participate in their Royal Mail Data Science Hackathon. Not only is this a charitable event, but Royal Mail is looking for junior and mid-level data scientists to join their team! So as long as you are eligible to work in the UK as Royal Mail, here's a chance for you to showcase your data skills and win yourself a new job! At the event, you'll be challenged to build data science models for "Missing People" that help identify vulnerable children who are at risk of running away.
GO Open Data Conference 2018
11 May - 08:00 AM
Barrie, Canada
Open Data enthusiasts in Ontario! If you are planning to attend the GO Open Data Conference, then don't miss the opportunity to participate in the hackathon. You'll be challenged to develop and present a project that addresses this year's conference theme of “Open Data and Smart Communities.”
23 Mar - 05:00 PM
Charlotte, United States
Techies from across the USA, if you're into big data, then you're invited to participate in HACKATHONclt MMXVIII big data hackathon. Compete on your own, or as a member of a 3-person team. Don't have a team? No worries...just attend a pre-event mixer and find like-minded team-mates to compete across 3 categories -- Hack, Code, or Freestyle.
HEINEKEN Hack a Beer Hackathon
17 Mar - 09:30 AM
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Designers, developers, and data scientists in the Netherlands! The HEINEKEN Company invites you to participate in their Hack a Beer Hackathon. You'll get to combine your knowledge of beer with your data or business expertise to help HEINEKEN get smarter in data usage. Collaborate with like-minded individuals to leverage actual HEINEKEN datasets and Amazon Web Services to design an innovative data-driven project. Showcase your skills and compete for cool prizes.
ZLAS: Hackathon with SAS and MAESD
15 Mar - 10:00 AM
Toronto, Canada
Techie post-secondary students in and around Ontario! If you're interested in SAS analytics software, then you're invited to participate in the ZLAS: Hackathon with SAS and MAESD. Participate in a team of between 2 and 5 students! If you don't have a team -- don't worry, you'll be assigned to one. This year's Hackathon challenge is about the completion rates of apprenticeship programs in Ontario. Be prepared to present your project in person at Ryerson University on the final day!
Chess Digital Hackathon 2018 – The Real-time Data Stream Challenge
07 Mar - 01:00 PM
Alderley Edge, SK9
Computer student hackers in the UK! You're invited to participate in the Chess Digital Hackathon 2018, where the theme will be The Real-time Data Stream Challenge. You'll be challenged to build an innovative app using real-time datastreams from the Satori open data platform. Participate on your own, or as a member of a team of two or three people. Collaborate and compete for recognition and great prizes.
Contra Costa Civic Hackathon for Open Data Day 2018
03 Mar - 08:30 AM
Walnut Creek, United States
Developers, designers, professionals, students in the Bay Area! Do you have a passion for open data projects? Come and participate in the Contra Costa Civic Hackathon for Open Data Day 2018. You can help grow the open data community by working on projects in four key areas -- Open research data, Tracking public money flows, Open Mapping, and Data for equal development. Come and showcase your creative and technical skills to collect, visualize, and analyze data.
Remix the Science Museum Group Collection #SMGRemix
01 Mar - 09:00 AM
London, United Kingdom
Designers, UX/UI enthusiasts, historians, science buffs, hackers and data lovers! You're invited to participate in the hackathon Remix the Science Museum Group Collection. You'll be challenged to come up with innovative new ways for museum users and visitors to explore the museum's online collection.