Showing results 11 to 20 out of 53
Nokathon - Are you bold enough?
26 Oct - 09:00 AM
Amadora, Portugal
1st Prize - €2500 2nd Prize - €1500 3rd Prize- € 500 4th and 5th Prizes - €100
The competition will take place in our facilities on the 26th, 27th and 28th October and aims to discover the most diverse and valid knowledge of the candidates, in order to find the most suitable algorithms for the challenge proposed by us
#2 skyhacks - AI Hackathon
25 Oct - 05:00 PM
Gliwice, Poland
20000 PLN prize pool
We believe the future of software development will be more and more integrated with smarter and smarter devices and algorithms. This Hackathon is focused around Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Classificators, Big Data & Data Science in general. It’s always about solving real live problems. Come and join us on this 36 hrs streak over the weekend – in southern Poland / Gliwice. We’re just in the half-way between Wroclaw and Cracow, pretty close to Lodz and Warsaw + Vienna/Budapest/Bratislava and Berlin are not that far away. We will be announcing the challenges from our partners soon! Hurry up! Now, much time left to the #2 skyhacks!
Challenge ACI
11 Oct - 09:06 PM
Hyderabad, India
Prizes worth Rs: 1,20,000
Challenge ACI is a 48 hour national level Hackathon being organized by GRIET, Hyderabad in collaboration with Clove Technologies
GalaHACKtic Challenge of Cyber Security
11 Oct - 10:00 AM
Busto Arsizio, Italy
The Cyber Security is nowadays a critical theme for organizations, societies and people.Reti S.p.A., an information technology company located in Italy (Busto Arsizio) decided, creating the GalaHACKtic Challenge, to deal with the Cyber Security matter by organizing an open and free event. IT University students or experts IT people with Cyber Security knowledge or interest my apply to the 2-days event tha will be hostedin Campus Reti (Busto Arsizio, Va, Italy) on October 11thand 12th, during the European Cyber Security Month. The contenders will be integrated in different team depending also on the own competencies and capabilities. The teams will have to exceed some cyber security challenges (hacking others app and defending the own app) prepared by the Reti Security Team. The team who will total up the major points number, will win the competition and gain the award. To apply visit the following link the Open Innovation Platform at Expiryapplicationdate: Friday 4th of October 2019.
11 Oct - 12:37 AM
Kattankulathur, India
Ever been in a situation when you have a great idea but you're stuck to make it through, or need a little guidance to be on the other side of the road? Well, we are back to provide you a platform that would hear out your solutions and help make your ideas become a reality. To transmute your thoughts with some sheer guidance into a lifetime experience, we are back with the fourth edition ofSRM Hackathon. Yes, you heard it right! The ultimate36-hour development waris back! Intriguing enough? Well, we give all of you tech enthusiasts, from students to professionals, a plethora of opportunities by which you would not only get connected to the corporate world and experience its working but also open yourself to an internship panel! An opportunity that would open doors for you on a scale that you just can't miss! It’s time to come and live the experience. All you've got to do is bring in yourteam of 1-5on the11th and 12th October, 2019and be a part of the legacy. With the Hackathon getting bigger and grander, you’ve got to persist and hold on to that one idea that could win you the title for this year’s Champion. Apart from winning amazing cash prices and rewards, come be tagged as the creators. Submit your creative ideas before3rd October 2019. Who knows, an idea could change your life!
Capgemini Tech Challenge 2019
10 Oct - 12:00 AM
Pune, India
Capgemini Tech Challenge is a unique hackathon on emerging digital technologies to engage with tech enthusiasts like you and align your skills to the industry needs. The latest edition offers an array of challenges to match your skillset across multiple levels. Are you ready for the rush of adrenalin? This year promises to be bigger, better and more exciting than ever before! Real Challenges. Real Solutions. Real Impact. Showcase what a true ace is made of and register for the Capgemini Techchallenge edition now.
Xploit Fest
10 Oct - 12:00 AM
The Developers and Penetration testers are invited to join the Xploit Fest and compromise the server we prepared. Once a user have compromised the server and found the code we have placed on the server they will earn the Cash Prize of 100 USD into their paypal account.
HackaFest 2019
08 Oct - 06:14 PM
Heroica Puebla de Zaragoza, Mexico
Hackafest es el primer paso dentro de una estrategia de fomento a la innovación, dirigida, en primer lugar, a las cajas y cooperativas (bancos rurales), con el fin de impulsar la digitalización de los servicios financieros rurales. Creemos en la cooperación como motor de desarrollo, razón por la cual estamos impulsando este evento abierto e incluyente de innovación, que permita a las mentes brillantes y motivadas contribuir al desarrollo del campo, a través de ideas disruptivas y relevantes para generar un cambio y mejorar los servicios financieros. Cómo premio tendrán lo siguiente: 1er lugar: participación en la Symbioticon de noviembre de 2019, en Hamburgo, Alemania (todos los gastos serán cubiertos para el equipo ganador) 2do lugar: incubación de ideas de negocio en el IDIT Ibero Puebla (Transformar una idea o proyecto en un modelo de negocio) 3er lugar: Taller SPEED DESIGN (Desarrollar habilidades para resolver problemas complejos a través de design thinking)
Innerve 4.0
06 Oct - 05:48 PM
Pune, India
Innerve 2k19 Hackathon provides you the platform to showcase your ideas and technical skills at a recognized level. This is the perfect opportunity to get those brilliant ideas out of your amazing minds and onto the computer screens. Coming again this year Innerve brings you with more interesting and challenging problem statements than ever before. So get ready for Innerve 4.0 to exhilarate you with newer ideas,more rewards and a fun packed experience
The Justice Hack 2019 - Victoria
28 Sep - 09:30 AM
Victoria, Canada
The Justice Hack, presented by Clio and hosted by VIATEC, is back for our second annual legal tech hackathon and this year we are expanding to Victoria! Come join us as we tackle the barriers that prevent British Columbians from accessing B.C.'s legal and judicial systems. Tickets on sale now! [$30 each after Sept. 19] This year, teams will develop tech solutions that help small- and medium-sized businesses and startups with everyday legal challenges. No law degree or coding skills required. Everyone is welcome to come and learn about access to justice (A2J) issues. Join a team. Develop a solution. Pitch your idea. Sign up today at: This is our first Victoria event, made possible with support from the Law Foundation of BC.