Showing results 31 to 40 out of 53
Loki Cryptocurrency Hackathon
17 May - 10:00 AM
New York, United States
Prizes worth $2,000
LOKI IS CALLING ALL DEVS & CRYPTO SUPPORTERS! LOKI IS HOSTING A SINGLE DAY HACKATHON DURING NEW YORK BLOCKCHAIN WEEK Theme;Build a SNapp that promotes digital privacy for individuals. OVER $2000 USD IN PRIZES! Come and be mentored by the Loki devs while you build a Service Node Application (SNApp) within the Loki ecosystem - all programming languages welcome! Learn more about SNApps here. RSVP ESSENTIAL - LIMITED SPACES FOOD & DRINKS PROVIDED FOR HACKERS, DRINKS PROVIDED FOR SPECTATORS SCHEDULE: Doors open & Registration : 10 am Team Selection & Demos by Loki & Arweave: : 11 am Hacking : 12 pm - 5 pm Pitches & Prizes : 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm Networking & Drinks : 7 pm - Close Loki creates privacy tools that enable untraceable, secure transactions and anonymous communication. htttps://
IoT World Hackathon 2019
13 May - 08:00 AM
Santa Clara, United States
Prize Pool $15k in value!
Sign up now for the 2019 IoT World Hackathon, where hackers connect with IoT Innovation! The IoT World Hackathon is part of the IoT World Developer Conference and this year welcomes a new sponsor, SAIC, who is bringing you a unique Agtech challenge.
The Challenge: Water
Water is a precious commodity that impacts all aspects of life. For some, this resource is readily available and in great supply. In the agriculture industry, however, that is not always the case. Access and proper use of water is imperative for the sustainability, growth and livelihood of agriculture. How can you make a difference and find solutions for these issues?
Your challenge is to come up with a solution to any aspect of this problem, all while considering the following:
Applicability of broadband use in rural America where there is limited access and what are the alternatives?
How can open USDA data be used in the decision making process, machine learning, or artificial intelligence models and applications?
Cybersecurity to detect, prevent, mitigate and protect against threats.
$15K in value! Prize Pool includes:
Subscription to ITPro Today
1 team Tabletop stand in the DevCon track on May 15 & 16
All-access Conference Passes for the team (up to 7) May 15 & 16
20-minutes to present on winning hackathon solution in the DevCon on May 16
Agenda (subject to change)
May 13th
8am: Doors Open
9am: Kickoff / Hacking Begins
3pm: Team Registration Due
9pm: Leave
May 14th
8am: Doors Open / Tech Support Resumes
12:30pm: Coding Ends
1pm: Final Presentations
5pm: Winners Announced
6pm: End
International Blockchain Olympiad ⚡️ACCEPTING ENTRIES NOW, $35K IN PRIZES⚡️
06 May - 05:42 PM
Hong Kong, Hong Kong
$4096 US
Use blockchain to develop a complete solution to the problem of your choosing.
Meet and compete with the world's best blockchain builders in a unique event designed on producing useful results.
The Olympiad takes a multidisciplinary approach, opening up a variety of channels for solutions. Financial tech, Government tech, Medical tech, Internet of Things, and Arts/Media are all included.
Write your whitepaper, make it through the cuts, and come to Hong Kong to compete for medals, cash prizes, and potential job/investment offers!
FOSS Hackathons with EU-FOSSA 2
04 May - 09:00 AM
Elsene, Belgium
Purpose and objective
In line with the EU-FOSSA 2 project, the broad theme for the Hackathons is Security.
The participants will be co-creating the future of Open Source in the heart of Brussels!
This pioneering initiative is a series of three consecutive hackathons that take place in April, May and October 2019.
Critical App Challenge Nordic
03 May - 12:00 PM
The Airbus Critical App Challenge Nordic is an online competition for mature software development businesses who are interested in creating apps for Tactilon Dabat. Winners go to Stockholm (exact location TBD) to demo their app AND will have their app featured on the Airbus digital developer platform.
Tech Leadership Free Online Training by Codemotion & Facebook Developer circles
25 Apr - 02:49 PM
Taking you from Developer to CTO
“Becoming a CTO is not a point of arrival but a continuous journey”
The course is designed to help developers in their journey to become CTO of startups, combining strong interpersonal and influential skills along with an empathic ear.
Over the course of his/her career, a developer may have different aspirations, such as setting up his/her own startup or becoming the best expert on technology, but surely one of the most ambitious and common aspirations is becoming a CTO.
{DECIPHER} Hackathon
12 Apr - 06:00 PM
Singapore, Singapore
Up Box 3D Printer
/ What is it
How tough is your app? Put your skills to the test at the inaugural {DECIPHER} hackathon, which takes place from 12 to 14 April 2019! Co-organised by ICE71 and Div0, in partnership with Cisco, it aims to bring together students, developers, hackers and working professionals over 36 hours to create a secure application / tool in 19 pre-identified areas.
Get your fellow hackers together (or find like-minded peers on Day 1), and get crackin'!
Free food, cool swag, and a lovely space for you to do your best work
4 meals provided (& not forgetting unlimited coffee!)
ICE71 – The region’s cybersecurity entrepreneur hub – is your home for 3 days.
Free unlimited wifi, of course.
Tech Workshop by Stefan Streichsbier on “A Practical Introduction to Secure Coding”
1st Prize – Up Box 3D Printer
2nd Prize – Go Pro Fusion
3rd Prize – Go Pro Hero 7
All winners will get the exclusive {DECIPHER} hackathon Challenge Coins!
It’s free!
~~Read on for the Challenge Details and Hackathon Schedule.~~
/ The Challenge
Create a secure application / tool with real world impact, addressing one or more of the following areas:
Wireless Security
Mobile Cybersecurity
Code Assessment
Data Forensics and Incident Response
Exploitation and Ethical Hacking
Hardware/Embedded Cybersecurity
Internet of Things (IoT)
Malware Defence
Network Defence
Reverse Engineering
Vulnerability Assessment
Web AppSec
Endpoint Protection
Endpoint Integrity Protection
Threat Detection (Using AI/ML)
Cyber Threat Detection and Mitigation
Cloud Computing and Virtualisation Cybersecurity
/ Schedule
7 Mar – 11 Apr: Registration (or until slots are filled up!)
Day 1: 12 April (Fri) - KICK OFF DAY
6.00pm – 7.00pm: Registration + Refreshments & Pizza
7.00pm – 8.00pm: Welcome & Introduction of the Challenges
8.00pm – 8.30pm: Ice-breakers / Team Formation
8.30pm: Wrap-up and end of Day 1
Day 2: 13 April (Sat) - HACK AWAY
9.00 – 11.00am: Tech Workshop (*compulsory*) on A Practical Introduction to Secure Coding
11.00am – 7.00pm: Hacking
Lunch and afternoon tea provided @ ICE71
Day 3: 14 April (Sun) - DEMO DAY
8.30am – 10.00am: Breakfast + Pitch Prep
9.30am: All projects to be completed and submitted
10.00am – 12.00pm: Team Pitches & Judging
12.00pm – 12.30pm: Prize Giving
12.30pm: End of Hackathon!
/ Judges & Judging Criteria
Watch this space -- the judges will be revealed closer to the hackathon date!
#1: Ambition of Problem
Scale and complexity of the problem being explored.
#2: Innovation of Solution
Scale and novelty of the technology being used, and/or the architectural approach taken.
#3: Quality of Implementation
Ability for the team to reach a conclusion about the viability of the project.
#4: Quality of Presentation
Ability for the judges to clearly understand (1) what the desired functionality is, and (2) see that the functionality is behaving as expected.
/ General Rules + T&Cs
1. New codes please
To ensure fairness to all participants, participants should not build on top of previous projects. Participants are allowed to draft their concepts or designs beforehand (within fair limits), but the actual work/app development MUST be designed and executed during the hackathon timeframe (i.e. 36 hours). The organisers reserve the right to review the code of winning teams to ensure that all code used follows this guidelines.
2. Ownership and IP
Participants retain full ownership over the products and Intellectual Property developed at this hackathon.
3. Team Size
Participants can either go solo, or take part as a team of up to 3 members.
No sweat if you don’t have a team! We’ve dedicated time on Day 1 (12 April) for you to meet fellow hackers and form teams before the actual hacking starts.
4. Pitching
When pitching, participants must demo their application. The duration of the pitching and Q&A will be within the time frame allocated by the organisers (details will be announced on Day 1 of the hackathon).
5. Cut-off for participation
All participants have to register for the hackathon on-site on Friday, 12 April 2019 by 7.00pm. Failure to do so will result in any work contributed being invalid and/or team disqualification.
/ FAQs
1. Who can participate?
All participants who are 18 and above are welcome to participate. This includes students, first-timers, coders, developers, industry professionals etc. Participants should have basic knowledge of any programming language.
2. Why should I participate?
Hang out with fellow hackers and code together! You don't need to have a million dollar idea, nor be the best coder. This hackathon will be a good chance to hone your application development and pitching skills.
3. What should I bring?
Whatever tools you need to power you through the hackathon! Laptops, a nap cushion, your favourite soft toy, snacks, etc! Plus don’t forget those device chargers.
4. Can I stay overnight?
No, ICE71 will be open at these timings only:
12 April (Fri): Until 9.00pm
13 April (Sat): 8.30am - 7.00pm
14 April (Sun): 8.30am - 1.00pm
Please do not leave your personal belongings overnight.
However, you are free to continue working in the vicinity -- there are many public areas around Launchpad@one-north!
5. Do you cater for dietary restrictions?
All meals provided will be halal-certified, with vegetarian options. However, are unable to cater to specific food allergies and preferences (e.g. vegan, gluten-free)
There are also food outlets in the vicinity (Timbre+, Fusionopolis) where you can find plenty of dining options.
6. Have more questions?
E-mail us at
7. Resources
Ideas Prep Slides
Campus Blockchain Hackathon (FUTA)
12 Apr - 09:00 AM
Akure, Nigeria
Nigerian computer science, business, and entrepreneurial students and faculty in Nigeria! The Cryptography Development Initiative in Nigeria (CDIN) invites you to participate in the Campus Blockchain Hackathon to be held at the Federal University of Technology, Akure.
You don't have to be a technologist! Any student or faculty member with an interest in blockchain technology, a business idea, and the aptitude to be part of a blockchain startup project team can take part. Come and collaborate and compete against teams in other locations in Nigeria for the chance to be eligible for the National Campus Blockchain Hackathon.
Visit the hackathon tips pagefor useful info on participation in the Campus Blockchain Hackathon!
Sogeti Cyber E-Scape
30 Mar - 09:00 AM
Levallois-Perret, France
Après les Sogeti Green X Games, game jam écologique, Sogeti revient en force avec un nouveau concept : un escape game grandeur nature dédié à la cybersécurité !
Plus qu'un CTF, ce cyber escape se compose de 7 challenges à résoudre afin d’atteindre la finale et de pouvoir participer à l’opération de démantèlement de la Shadow League !
Seules 12 équipes pourront se confronter à la Shadow League, des présélections auront lieu du 18 au 24 février.
Rendez-vous le 30 mars à la Zalthabar.
Les 2 équipes gagnantes se partageront un prizepool de 10 000€.
Immersion DeepTech
22 Mar - 01:00 PM
Nancy, France
Découvrez #ImmersionDeepTech. Pendant 24h, travaillez main dans la main avec les équipes de recherche d’institutions de premier plan, qui vous présentent en exclusivité leurs travaux.
L'objectif, imaginez les business de demain. Pour les idées les plus innovantes, un prizepool financier à gagner, et surtout la possibilité de créer un business innovant avec le soutien du consortium. Inscrivez-vous dès maintenant.